DB has been bugging me lately about my lack of life in the Blogosphere. I guess life has just been keeping me too busy to vent here. So what is new in my life? Good question. So for anyone who might still someday read my Blog (and the list at this point must be small), here is an update.
Feb 12th I was laid off. Apparently self-motivated thinkers who stand up for the safety and well being of the peons on the floor in opposition to Plant Managers don't get to keep their jobs. On a brighter note, I have news from many sources that everything I held together is falling apart in my absense. I've actually been asked to come back as a consultant. But my position wasn't necessary. Ce La Vie.
The job hunt has been interesting. So far I managed to enter a lot of interesting doors, but apparently I'm just under par. I certainly must thank the Plant Managers, CFO's, Maintenance Managers, and VP's who allow me to use them as references.
When I first became unemployed I worried because Patty is pregnant. 2 months later with Jahaira due any day, I'm actually happy to be unemployed. I have been able to lighten the workload around the home for my wife during her hardest months of pregnancy. I will be wholey available when the little brat finally arrives to take care of my boys while my wife takes care of our girl. It's kinda exciting.
I will admit I'm a bit stir crazy. I'm not used to unemployment. Most days I feel like a sluggard. Staring at a computer for hours pounding out resumes and applications is draining. Can I just get back to work already.
So pray for my wife and soon to be daughter. Hopefully they both come through this ok. Pray that the right employer will find value in this Irishman and hire me.
What else is new? Oh yes, my long time friend BS is about to graduate from Loyola Marymount Law School. And than he is leaving for TX. It will be a bitter sweet moment. My friend is at the end of a very long journey. And then he begins a new journey half a nation away. I will miss him and his family. Of course he's trying to convince me to join him in his treck to the great country of Texas. Tempting but I don't think I'll be getting out of LA for a few more years.
You know, all the reasons I returned to LA seem to be leaving or have already left. I know it's time for me to plan my own exit. It's just a matter of how. HMMM...
Caleb turned 1 Feb 5th. For Easter he decided it was time to walk. He is certainly one of the perks of unemployment. I've gotten to see many of his first which I would have missed had I been at work. Now he stumbles around the living room trying to keep his balance. He is the Tazmanian Devils 1st cousin. This kid destroys everything. Today he had our livingroom covered in shredded styrofoam. If anyone has some old books they don't need, Caleb would love to destroy them for you.
For those of you still awake, I'll let ya know when my daughter joins the world.