Monday, June 26, 2006

The Big One is Coming

"San Andreas Fault
moved it's fingers
through the ground
earth divided
plates collided
such an awful sound

San Andreas Fault
moved its fingers
through the ground
terra cotta shattered
and walls came
tumbling down "

THE BIG ONE IS EMINENT.... SOUTHERN CALI IS GONNA BE ROCKED BACK INTO THE OCEAN.... or so the experts are saying. AGAIN..... Hmmm.. it seems I've been hearing this same story my whole life. I'm still waiting.

My mother-in-law called this morning to tell us we had to move before the BIG-ONE hit. I had to laugh. Everytime we have fires or floods or any other natural calamity anywhere in Cali, the end is near and we must move. I love the lady but goodness gracious.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

The Godfather

My friends at work have been caling me "Sean Corleone" all week. I can say the last thing I ever thought I would be in my lifetime is a godfather. When Nova asked me I was quite shocked and not sure what to say. My first thought was, "I'm not Catholic". But I said yes because I've been friends with her family for a very long time and I know she picked me cuz she trusts me more than any guy on the planet. "Ok, cool, btw Sean, you have to attend a class first". I have to what? Oh, good grief. It was an hour class that could have easily been summed up in five minutes. And I was tempted to speak out, but I promised Patty I'd hold my tongue.

So all last week Patty is asking me,"what are you going to wear to the baptism?" It's a baptism, not a marriage, cloths, jeans, t-shirt the usual. "You can't wear that. Call Nova and ask her what she wants you to wear. It's Catholic. Their pompous." I think I was told to call Nova at least a dozen times. Well, Nova called me Friday night,"What are you wearing tomorrow?" I don't know yet. "Well, a suit would be nice, but business casual will do". Later Nova told me, "I knew if I didn't call you, you would show up in shorts and t-shirt or something."

So, I pulled my suit out of the closet. My wife thanked Nova later. It's the first time she's seen me all dressed up since we got married.

The priest was nice. He liked to joke alot. Surprisingly I found myself in agreement with alot of what he had to say about baptism. At least the Catholic church still gets something right. Never mind the prayer to Mother Mary I read that makes her sound Holier than Jesus himself. I think they forgetten that she was human too. He also talked about raising your children with Christian values and how it takes more than sending them to church on sunday and Catholic School, but Christlike examples at home. He did a good job of expediting the process (there were seven baptisms).

The ceremony itself was a bit much. Too many robotic responses expected from the croud for me. "Would one of the godparents please come forward to light the candle, prefferable the taller one." That was me by BTW. This candle they had was just ridiculously tall. I'm pretty tall and I have monkey arms, but I could barely reach the top of this thing to light the candle. Where is big Billy Austin when I need him? I had to light the candle over and over again cuz everyone else was too short to reach. I wonder what they would have done if I wasn't there. "hey man, can I get on your shoulders?" LMAO. That would have been a beautiful addition to the ceremony.

Then off course there was picture taking. Evidence of me dressed up once again. Horrible!

The party afterwords was nice. We met at the godmother's, father's home in Tujunga. All I can say is, wow. I'd like to live there. From then on it was food champagne and corona's and lots of friendly chatter. We were so stuffed from the appetizers we didn't even bother to cook the lasagna.

All in all, it was a good day.

Friday, June 09, 2006

For all you married people

"Remember what I told you about marriage. It has three rings. The Engagement Ring... The Wedding Ring... and Suffer-Ring..."

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

We are giving away how much money?

According to congressman extraordinaire Ron Paul, congress is about to pass the budget for foreign aid 2007. 20 BILLION DOLLARS. Ok, I don't mind being charitable, but what gives some congressman the right to just give my money away. Why not give the money back to us and let us decide what to do with it? And most of that money is taken by the foriegn Gov't and used for who knows what, anything but aid to those in need. Let's just nuke congress and start over again. They are all pretty much useless anyway.

After 6 years in the Navy I shouldn't be surprised at seeing the US Government squandering US Dollars, but for some reason, even though I know how our great bureacracies work, I'm still floored when I am reminded how wasteful our Government is with my money.

Do any of you know how budgets for military units is determined? You're gonna love this. Each year each individual unit is given a budget. If you spend or exceed your budget, than the next year, the fed issues you a higher budget. If you don't spend your given budget, than the next year, the fed issues you a lower budget. So the incentive is to spend as much as you can (ie: waste as much as you can) so next your you get even more money to waste. I know a certain sailor who has a garage full of power tools and woodworking tools. He was told he had to spend the remainder of the budget, so he did. I won't even begin to guestimate how often this happens in all of our bureacracies, not just the military.

Well, enough ranting... maybe not.. 20 BILLION DOLLARS... CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?

I wonder if they will still be giving away that much of our money when they drive us into a recession or even worse, the next depression.

What drives the 6-6-6 furor?

There's another side and some interesting biblical interpretations to this so-called satanic controversy.
By The Rev. Paul Viggiano

Driving down Pacific Coast Highway, I see one billboard for the "DaVinci Code," a few blocks later another billboard with the numbers 6-6-06. It's spooky; actually kind of depressing. Here I go out of my way to ridicule Dan Brown for his bad fiction -- faction -- and then it dawns on me that there is equally bad fiction revolving around the mark of the beast.

Whether it's Hollywood's "The Omen" or Tim LaHaye's Left Behind, it's fiction, fiction, fiction! Whatever happened to reality -- especially when it comes to something as serious as the Christian faith? This end-of-the-world hysteria borders on the ridiculous.

Don't misunderstand me. The Bible clearly refers to a thing called the mark of the beast. But it has nothing to do with tattoos, subcutaneous computer chips, bar codes, credit cards, your ATM machine, the re-entry hand stamp at Disneyland, June 6, 2006, or any of the other hype seen in these movies and novels.

Christians who have been influenced by this very sensational presentation of the mark of the beast (with the best of intentions) placard their bumpers with stickers warning their potentially ill-fated friends to "Refuse the mark." This means people should not take upon their hands or foreheads the number 666 in any fashion -- doing so seals your fate in hell.

Revelation's warning is unambiguous. To take the mark of the beast upon your hand or forehead forfeits your soul. But what does it mean? How does a person actually do this?

When ATM cards first came out, the end-times prognosticators warned us that the beast was at work in these cards. Should we really worry about signing the wrong form at the bank and accidentally finding ourselves in the hands of Satan? Then they warned us about the supermarket bar codes secretly encrypted with the three sixes. If Satan can trap us through bar codes, it's probably too late for most of us. I knew a man who wouldn't let his kids get their hands stamped at Disneyland for fear that they may inadvertently receive the mark. Is that the way it works?

Most people don't know that the Bible speaks more about the mark of God than the mark of the beast. Jesus writes his name on his people and seals the servants of God on their foreheads. Moses writes about God's people binding God's law upon their hand and foreheads. Ezekiel writes of God putting his mark upon the faithful.

The biblical references to the hand and forehead allude to faith (forehead) and obedience (hand). There are two marks to consider: the mark of God and the mark of the beast. In thoughts and deeds, is God served or the beast?

So, the mark has to do with heart commitment rather than tattoos. But who is this beast?

Untold acrostics, anagrams and speculations have been played with this 666. It makes me hesitate to make any suggestions at all. Guesses have been the pope, Martin Luther, Napoleon, Hitler, Kissinger, Reagan, enough! One thing the Bible does tell us about 666 is that it is the number of a man; man was created on the sixth day.

Seven is acknowledged by Bible scholars as the number of divinity, completion and perfection. The threefold repetition of six reveals man's full scale opposition to God. It is the sin of sins -- men wanting to be God.

When the Revelation was written, the epitome of man's power was found in the dominion of the Roman Empire. Rome was considered the most powerful human government ever assembled. To serve God in Rome (taking God's mark) meant hardship and often death. To serve Rome (taking Rome's mark) meant temporary ease; but it also meant denying one's faith.

Perhaps the most blatant passage of scripture ever given as a demonstration of taking the mark of the beast is given in the gospel of John. When Pilate asked the persecutors of Jesus if he should crucify their king, their response was "We have no king but Caesar." They took the mark of man over God.

Once again the government wants to be our savior -- to educate us, feed us, clothe us, care for us. The vestiges of deity must be swept away from our culture that the government (corporate man) may assume its rightful place as the messiah of a needy people. Rome sought to instill allegiance through fear of death. Today it is fear of being neglected.

Movies are fun. But computer chips or the latest "beast" prediction are matters of small consequence. All men bear a mark. According to biblical Christianity, the deeper question is whether one bears the seal of the living God. To believe in the Lord Jesus Christ is to have his name -- his mark.

Paul Viggiano is pastor of the Branch of Hope Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Torrance.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Welcome to Summer...

Goodness gracious great balls of fire... almost.. I was looking forward to a nice mild end of Spring, beginning of summer.. somebody forgot to mention that to the summer.. she's here in full force bringing close to record breaking temps... it's hot even in the shade.. giving me a headache.. the Corona in my hand isn't helping as I hoped it would. Maybe if I drink enough of them I'll just pass out and sleep through the sauna. Maybe I'll just have to pass out on the floor tonight. It's cooler there. Off in search of more beer..

Friday, June 02, 2006

Ludicrous Account of English Taxes

My first thought upon reading this was, "This is the world in which I live." I can't even imagine a world with little or no taxes. Can you?

Ludicrous Account of English Taxes
by Henry Brougham (1778-1868)

Permit me to inform you, my friends, what are the inevitable consequences of being too fond of glory. Taxes - upon every article which enters into the mouth, or covers the back, or is placed under the foot - taxes upon everything which it is pleasant to see, hear, feel, smell, or taste - taxes upon warmth, light, and locomotion - taxes on everything on earth, and in the waters under the earth - on everything that comes from abroad, or is grown at home - taxes on the raw material - taxes on every fresh value that is added to it by the industry of man - taxes on the sauce which pampers man's appetite, and the drug which restores him to health - on the ermine which decorates the judge, and the rope which hangs the criminal - on the poor man's salt, and the rich man's spice - on the brass nails of the coffin, and the ribbons of the bride - at bed or board, couchant or levant, we must pay.

The school boy whips his taxed top - the beardless youth manages his taxed horse, with a taxed bridle on a taxed road. The dying Englishman, pouring his medicine which has paid 7%, into a spoon that has paid 15% - flings himself back upon his chintz bed which has paid 22% - makes his will on an 8 pound stamp, and expires in the arms of an apothecary, who has paid a license of an hundred pounds for the privilege of putting him to death.

His whole property is then immediately taxed from 2% to 10%. Besides the probate, large fees are demanded for burying him in the chancel. His virtues are handed down to posterity on taxed marble, and he is then gathered to his fathers - to be taxed no more.

In addition to all this, the habit of dealing with large sums will make the government avaricious and profuse. The system itself will infallibly generate the base vermin of spies and informers, and a still more pestilent race of political tools and retainers, of the meanest and most odious description, while the prodigious patronage, which the collecting of this splendid revenue will throw into the hands of government, will invest it with so vast an influence, and hold out such means and temptations to corruption, as all the virtue and public spirit, even of republicans, will be unable to resist.