Tuesday, June 06, 2006

We are giving away how much money?

According to congressman extraordinaire Ron Paul, congress is about to pass the budget for foreign aid 2007. 20 BILLION DOLLARS. Ok, I don't mind being charitable, but what gives some congressman the right to just give my money away. Why not give the money back to us and let us decide what to do with it? And most of that money is taken by the foriegn Gov't and used for who knows what, anything but aid to those in need. Let's just nuke congress and start over again. They are all pretty much useless anyway.

After 6 years in the Navy I shouldn't be surprised at seeing the US Government squandering US Dollars, but for some reason, even though I know how our great bureacracies work, I'm still floored when I am reminded how wasteful our Government is with my money.

Do any of you know how budgets for military units is determined? You're gonna love this. Each year each individual unit is given a budget. If you spend or exceed your budget, than the next year, the fed issues you a higher budget. If you don't spend your given budget, than the next year, the fed issues you a lower budget. So the incentive is to spend as much as you can (ie: waste as much as you can) so next your you get even more money to waste. I know a certain sailor who has a garage full of power tools and woodworking tools. He was told he had to spend the remainder of the budget, so he did. I won't even begin to guestimate how often this happens in all of our bureacracies, not just the military.

Well, enough ranting... maybe not.. 20 BILLION DOLLARS... CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?

I wonder if they will still be giving away that much of our money when they drive us into a recession or even worse, the next depression.

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