Tuesday, December 14, 2010

What is your Ultimate Authority?

Today I was visited by two Mormon missionaries.  I rarely turn away a good theological debate.  I debated a Muslim for over a year once (and lost).  It was sad to listen to these two young men spouting the rhetoric that has been spoon fed them by the Mormon church.  They get to present the arguments of other men, to complete strangers.  They pay to spend two years of their life away from home for a faith they don't really know or understand.  They think they are doing "God's will for them".  I don't have have anything against being a missionary, but sending naive young men to spread the propaganda of a doctrine they barely are beginning to grasp is wrong.  

If you see the guys on the bikes wearing dark pants and white dress shirts with ties, wish them well, cuz they are far from home.

I have been asked many times why I left the LDS church.  I've come up with many answers over the years, but none of them quite got it right.  But the answer is really quite simple.

Everyone has an ultimate authority.  It's our starting place.  Our presupposition (yeah, I know, big word).  It is the place you eventually regress to.  So why did I leave Mormonism?  Because I have a presupposition that the Bible is the Holy and infallible Word of God.  The LDS presupposition is that the LDS Prophet is the ultimate authority on earth.  He trumps Scripture.  My Ultimate Authority is the God of the Bible.  And since a man can only have one master (or one truth), I left the church of my youth.

So the question is, what is your starting place?  Your presupposition?  Your ultimate authority?  I don't need an answer.  That question is for anyone who happens upon my banter to ask themselves.    

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Nothing in Particular at all

The blogging world evades me.  I've really just been very busy.  What used to be my release (blogging) has become work.  Facebook is so much quicker and easier.  Yet not nearly as satisfying as a good blog.  Unless you want to write a "NOTE" you are limited.  So I have tried to be faithful to blogging at least once a month.  Last month I use the excuse I was in NYC.

What follows are rants of various topics as they come into my head.  Just venting.  Don't mind me.

This year has been long.  I am looking forward to it's end.  The new year will hopefully bring a new job in a new place.  Looking hard in Virginia.  Hoping to get out of the corporate world of manufacturing.  I think I've learned that corporations are all about keeping the board happy, and rarely about taking care of people.  Like all political spectrum's, corporations care about the bottom line first.  I'm tired of seeing hard working folks being treated like worthless pawns.  The tendency to throw those making the right decisions under the bus while those who brown nose while making the wrong decisions continue to thrive and climb the corporate ladder.  Quite frankly it's disheartening.

I'm am currently trying hard to get into one of two careers.  One as a consultant who after some intense training would be instructing people how to better themselves and be more efficient.  The other as a job recruiter helping find work for the unemployed.  Both jobs would give me relative freedom to work at my own pace, my own way, on my own schedule.  I am also passively sending out my resume to various potential opportunities as they arise.

I turned 34 recently.  I was in NYC at the time and took POB (my wife) to see a Broadway play.  It didn't really hit me though until today when I was trying to remember how old I was and had to calculate it.  I never had this problem when I was in my 20's.  But being married with kids, my actual age seems much less relevant than it did when I was young and single.  My perspective has shifted from a self-centered, whimsical, what about today mentality to a guardian and protector.  Someone who is constantly focused on the future, and the potential threats to the well being of his family.  I can say I have become more cynical in the last few years.

I often joke with POB that we have become conspiracy theorist.  I used to make fun of conspiracy theorist.  But the more I learn, the more I become what I held in contempt.  People like Alex Jones don't seem so crazy to me anymore.  It's the Matrix, the Red pill or the Blue pill.  Ignorance is truly Bliss.

However my quest for understanding of our world, of politics, of economics, of history, of freedom, and many other things which currently escape me, has left me spending much less time with God.  Less time praying, reading scripture, leading home studies with my family.  I have taken advantage of the blessing that God has given me by ignoring the one who has given all to me.  I have tried to get back on the wagon many times in the past year, but I keep falling off.

It's as if my life has become confining and all I want to do is escape.  But I don't turn to God, no, I turn to myself and my plans for the future.  Maybe that is why LA feels like a cage and my apartment is no longer a place of rest.  "I will figure it out.  I always do."  I'm so arrogant sometimes.  No comments from the peanut gallery.

Part of the problem is my family has grown but our living quarters haven't.  The little ones are quickly becoming not so little.  They need space.  They need to explore and learn of the outside world.  They are full of of pent up energy and times of peace are few and far between, but quite the treasure.  They are strong willed, stubborn, disobedient little brats.  I used to think my stubbornness was a result of surviving my upbringing.  Lately I have come to believe it is genetic.  My kids have it, especially COB.

So what of the elections?  Americans are in an uproar, the Tea Party came up with a vengeance, Rand Paul actually made it into the Senate.  The net result will be a stalemate.  House and Senate are clearly opposed.  And the Obamanator will use the all mighty power of veto anyway.  Alas we will be left at a stand still till the next election.  Which might not be bad for the economy.  A congress in gridlock can do little harm.

I don't think it matters.  Our country is already destroyed.  It cannot recover from the economic hole which it is still digging deeper.  I used to think, what if the whole thing just fell apart like Rome.  I figured it wouldn't happen in my lifetime.  Yet today, I don't see how it can not happen in my lifetime.  We are a sinking ship.  I just hope I end up on a good life raft.

The lack of skill in America astounds me.  I'm reading the biography of Buffalo Bill written by his sister.  At age 8 he was hunting, and scouting and leading his family.  By age 12 he was moving cattle.  His father, a great orator, was also a skilled farmer, hunter, and builder.  His father built for his family by hand the largest home at the time in that part of Kansas.  As I continue to read I think of my own grandfather who also was a man of many talents.  Or my grandmother who was a talented seamstress (good with anything that involved cloth, or yarn or string), a gardenerPuerto Rico.

So much knowledge is lost to my generation.  So much more will be lost to this generation.  It's ironic that in a world where the Internet can provide you with info on just about anything almost instantly, that we are all so ignorant.  I long to learn the skills of old.  Woodworking, metalworking, farming, hunting, foraging, camping, gun smithing, ect.  I long to have the skill to uproot my family with the knowledge that wherever we go, we will thrive.

But my public education has left me with a narrow skill set.  I'm highly intelligent, yet trapped.  Trapped by ignorance born of a mind-numbing lack of real education.  And the worst part is I know it, but don't know what to do about it.

Fatherhood and responsibility keep my grounded when I want to return to my Nomadic ways and see what new adventure and knowledge life can afford me.  Sacrifice the wants of the hear and now in hopes that my children will be the better for it.

My children.  If you know me, you know I homeschool.  I am often challenged by stranger and love ones about my choice.  Yet as I learn more and more about gov't schooling and see how year after year it changes for the worse, I can't but feel blessed that I can spare them from that unGodly institution called Public School.  This year we started Latin and Logic.  Of course there is much grumbling, but it is wonderful to see understanding come to a young man.

While we were in New York I was looking through the selection of Public High Schools that NYC has to offer.  There were only two categories.  Schools with a graduation rate greater than 85% and schools with a graduation rate of less than 50%.  No middle ground.  What I found most interesting is that almost every one of the upper level schools required Latin.

Well, I've babbled enough about who knows what.  Maybe I should re-read this before I post it so I at least know what I'm putting out to my ever shrinking audience.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Time ~ you ain't no friend of mine

Lately it seems that I have no time. For instance when I started this Blog I could spend hours writing and bantering. But now it seems it is a struggle to even post something once a month. When I was a teenager I rode a bike 10 miles a day, swam 2 to 6 hours a day, and went to school. Still had time to hang out with friends, play board games (Axis and Allies anyone), and countless other very time consuming things.

In the Navy it was a chore to find ways to pass the time. Long drives in the countryside, nights at Cozzy's comedy club, drinking with the boys and girls, movies, mountain biking, computer games, Bible studies, more driving, visiting everyone and anyone I could think, reading books for hours of and so on and so forth. Yet I still managed not to fill all the time available to me.

Then I got married and had children. Now it seems time is a priceless commodity I can't get enough of. I no longer have countless hours to spare, but every moment of the day seems taken up by jobs and tasks. It's seems you don't know what you have till it's gone. Not that I would give up the blessings God has given me. I would just like time to sit and read a book, go for a drive, enjoy and quiet day of mindless TV watching or get engrossed in a pointless video game.

Or spend a few days tearing apart my car just to put it back together. Maybe a nice spontaneous road trip to anywhere.

Alas, I haven't the time.  When my kids grow up I'm sure I'll be begging for the days when I had no time.  But for no, I'm looking forward to a brief weekend in Vegas, just me and my wife and a vacation to NYC.  It's all I have time for.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Life is Short!

My oldest sister died August 8th at the age of 42. She left behind a husband and four children. Death came to her via he Cancer.

I’m told she gave a profession of faith in Christ before she died. Lord, I hope that is true. Her Memorial was Friday. I took the task of planning and organizing the event. Her husband just wasn’t up to the task. All through the planning I was a task driven man. I’m a Maintenance Planner. Planning comes natural. So I kept myself engrossed in the task at hand. Everyone kept asking me how I was. And the truth of the matter I was fine. A little sad, but I was ok.

I had the dubious honor of picking up my sisters ashes. It marks the second time in recent years the ashes of a relative ended up under my roof. I bought a nice wooden box because those white boxes they give you are just tacky.

Friday was frantic. The slideshow and program didn’t get finished until minutes before the ceremony.

Sitting at the memorial service listening to the Pastor talk about the role of death in life, looking at the slideshow that I had put together (with some help), and just having the time to reflect on why I was sitting there, on why I had dedicated myself to planning this event, it all finally hit me. My palms starting sweating, my face grew heavy. For two weeks I had been doing all I could to be supportive to my family and suddenly here I was just lost in emotion.

I could hear her daughter and son mourning.

The end of the ceremony was for family. I took the lead. I hadn’t had time to prepare anything so I just started talking. 30 seconds in I was barely able to stand. Grief for the first time seized hold of me and all I could do was cry.

That evening most of the family and a long time family friend ended up at my place. The friend was a bartender and the drinks were flowing. It really was a good time. But I had to ask the question, “ Why does it take the death of a loved one for us to get together?”

We live life oblivious to how fragile it is. We thrive on living on the edge of death. High risk sports are the rave. Living on the Edge. We assume our relatives will be there forever. We assume our siblings will grow old with us. We don’t think we’ll get to watch our Daughters or Sons die. We put off God till tomorrow. We put off our loved ones because we are busy living our lives. We hold our tongues because we don’t want to offend. We ignore all the uncomfortable moments because it’s so much easier not to step outside of our comfort zone. Why rock the boat? There will always be tomorrow. Right?

But the truth is any moment could be our last moment. God could choose to take any one of us at any time. We don’t know God’s plan for us. As the saying goes “the only certainties in life are Death and Taxes”. And Death is usually looked upon as the end. But it’s not the end. Death is the beginning. It is the beginning of our eternal life. And that life will take one of two forms; Glory and praise with God in Heaven; facing the wrath of God for all eternity.

As I watched cancer eat my sister alive, as I could smell the dead cancer and see the pain from which there was no escape, I couldn’t help but think of my own mortality. And it occurred to me, as horrible as it is to watch someone you love die of cancer, this moment of suffering is nothing compared to the eternal wrath of God. And I heard “Nobody deserves to die like that”. Really? How do we ‘deserve’ to die?

We ‘deserve’ the eternal wrath of God. However we die, it is far from what we deserve for rebelling against God. What we deserve is far worse than anything man can imagine.

Lord willing my sisters profession of faith was genuine and even though she lived a sin filled life (if you knew her you knew she had her fair share of evil deeds), she is now at peace. She is enjoying the eternal rest that only God can provide. By Grace we are Saved, through Faith, Faith which is also a gift from God, lest we boast, in Jesus Christ who was given by the Father as a perfect and Holy Sacrifice, the perfect becoming Sin for us, all to the Glory of God Alone.

If we chose to love God it is because he first chose us and loved us while we were still slaves to sin and haters of God. Everything I’ve learned in my short life about God has new meaning. I know I have much to learn, but I am much more aware of how Great God’s gift of Grace is. And even in this I know my understanding is far removed from the reality of the Greatness of God which is far beyond anyone’s understanding.

Yesterday was a hard day, but it is a day the Lord has made.

“Before I was born, you planned each day for me” ~ King David.

I am grateful that God has blessed me with Grace through Faith in Christ. I am grateful that with that Grace he has blessed me with Wisdom and Knowledge. I know as painful as this has been, that it is part of God’s good and Holy plan. There is peace in knowing that God is in control and that my sisters death wasn’t just an accident, but that she died because God decided it was her time to come home.

“O death, where is your sting” ~ Psalmist… Though it certainly has stung me, I know it is only because I am still among the living and I know it’s because as I continue in my short time here on earth it will be without the presence of my sister.

To everyone who volunteered and helped me in this time of grief, I thank you and hopefully will get to thank you in person. To my family, I pray that God will bless you all with his Grace and Love.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

It Seems God wants me to stay here a while

I’ve been working really hard this year on getting out of California. But all my efforts have produced zero fruit. This week I think I resigned myself to the fact that God isn’t ready for me to leave LA just yet. Patty and I are making plans to better use the space we have in the mean time. It just doesn’t seem financially sound to move somewhere else in LA.

So how much longer will I be a Californian? Only God knows.

A lot has happened this year. This seems to be the year of illness and injury for my family. A whole winter with a sinus infection, Dental problems for both me and my wife, Darrien breaks his arm, Caleb ~ well Caleb is just a walking bruise. And of course the most imminent, my eldest sister is dying of Cancer. I think this is part of the reason God is keeping me here. I’m the only sibling close enough to help.

Most of the time we don’t think about our mortality. But watching my sister slowly and painfully die of cancer has certainly revived my sense of how fragile we are. I would not have believed the carnage cancer can produce had I not seen it first hand. At a recent gathering my Father said “No one deserves to die like that!” I’ve since thought about that statement. How do we ‘deserve’ to die?

This is quite the theological question. The answer is quite simple. We ‘deserve’ eternal death and hell. We deserve a torment far worse than cancer. We deserve the full wrath of God himself for eternity. Fire and brimstone, gnashing of teeth, everlasting torment and misery. We are all “Prone to Wander from God”. We have all sinned and rejected God. We all stand with the Apostle Paul in saying “O Wretched man that I am, who will save me from this body of death”.

By the grace of God we don’t have to suffer that fate. My sister is not Christian. I pray that God sustains her in this world long enough to save her soul. Because if he doesn’t this little bout with cancer will be a walk in the park compared to the wrath of God.

I have shared the gospel with her. I have tried to be a good Christian example (and I did a damned poor job of it). I have prayed. I know now that she is in God’s hands. His will be done. I just pray His will is to bestow His saving grace on a sinner (my sister).

As for me, I know God can take me any time. This could be my last hour on earth. I thank God for the knowledge of the gospel and for blessing me with the gracious gift of Faith In his only begotten Son. I pray that when God decides it is my time to face death, he does so quickly. I don’t have the pretense that I don’t ‘deserve’ a disease like cancer. I just hope God is merciful and takes me quickly.

“May the Grace of our Lord be with you, now and always may you stay blameless till He comes”

For it is by Grace we are saved through Faith in Jesus Christ our Lord, not of our own doing. We contribute nothing to our salvation, lest we boast, but all Glory to God who shows Mercy to his chosen.

Sunday, June 06, 2010

May God's Grace be with you!

Death is something we will all face someday. Most of us don’t think about it often. Three years ago my step-mother died. In less than three months my eldest sister will also have died. She has cancer.

Today we met at her house to watch her and her husband renew their wedding vows. It was both incredibly joyous and extremely sad. To see the love they have for each other and the pain of the knowledge of how little time they have left together, it was hard to see.

3 of her children were there. One chose to stay away. It was sad and disappointing. We gathered as a family, some of us having not seen each other for many many moons. There was laughing and dancing and kids playing and drinking.

Most of it was light hearted and joyous. But the white elephant of death was always there. Tears were shed.

I chose to broach the forbidden subject of God. I’m always nervous when trying to talk about God with members of my family. They don’t receive him well. I put together a collection of sermons by a good pastor. Something she could listen to in her condition without having to read or search. Something that just spells out the Gospel accurately and engagingly.

I took her husband aside, for I wanted his blessing. I didn’t know how to begin. But I started talking and soon we were engaged in Godly conversation. It was more then well received but welcomed. I was amazed at seeing God working before my eyes. I expected to offend and ended up leaving both of us speechless.

We both presented the gift to my sister and she received it well. Cracking jokes and laying insults as only she can.

And now I pray that she will come to understand what I know. That Death is just the doorway to God, and that by his grace, if you have been given faith in the Sacrifice of His Son, Jesus, then that is a glorious union.

“May the grace of our Lord be with you, now and always may you stay blameless till he comes.” I used to think being blameless before God meant living the perfect “good” life. Now I know that being blameless before God is simply being clothed in the righteousness of Christ who died for us. I know there is nothing I can bring to God that I have done that attributes to my Salvation.

It is that knowledge that allows me to say “Oh death, where is thy sting”. May God bless my sister with his grace to have faith in our Lord.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

I met a man from Uruguay

Yesterday I had the privilege of enjoying a lunch with a stranger from Uruguay. He was a self taught PLC technician. He came to American in 2002 when his country was in turmoil. He barely spoke English.

He enrolled in an English as a second language class. Apparently Elderly Americans often volunteer to help at these classes. He met an old white couple who taught him finance and credit. They taught him to never buy anything on credit you can't pay for in cash, and then pay your credit down immediately. This includes a home.

With home prices in LA $400,000+ he thought this impossible. He has been in America for 7 years. He speaks perfect English. He is self employed. He has watched his Uruguayan friends buy homes, cars, stuff on credit. He said they made fun of him for not buying new stuff (his car is 8 years old and running strong). Then he told me he watched all of them lose their 'stuff' as their own personal credit bubbles burst. He still hasn't bought a home, but he is saving. He intends to do what most of us would think impossible. To buy a home in cash.

He has stuck to the advice of the wise old couple. He works hard and proves his worth to his customers. His customers are loyal because of it. He lives within his means, only buying what he can afford. He has built great credit, yet has zero debt. What he has he owns.

This is the 'American Dream'. This man is succeeding where so many of us born in America have failed.

Hard work, thrifty living and perseverance brings true wealth. This is the lessen we should be teaching our children. I'm glad the wise old couple volunteered their time and set this man on the right path. He came with nothing, he overcame the barrier of language, and he is thriving because he put forth the hard work and sacrifice to succeed.

One last note. He warned me "Don't ever mistake Wassabi for Guacamole" Apparently he had never seen either before he came here. He is truly wise.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Love and Marriage... Love and Marriage... Go together like a horse and carriage..

As I approach my five year wedding anniversary, I'm thinking about what it means. I've decided to do a review of what God says about marriage and love.

When speaking of marriage, Jesus said,"What God has joined together, let not man separate" He goes on to say divorce was allowed because of the hardness of man's heart. So even thought Moses allowed divorce for Adultery or Abandonment, Jesus seems to be saying it is God who joins two people as husband and wife and we shouldn't break apart what God has joined for any reason. When you marry you make a vow before God. You promise God you will be with this person till you die.

That's a hard pill to swallow. So even those whose spouse has cheated on them should acknowledge that it is God who gave them their husband or wife. God chose that person for them. And God knew that person would cheat on you. But if our faith is in God, then we trust that God works all things out for good. How can the pain of a cheating spouse and the damage it does to a relationship be good? Well, if the lesson God wants you to learn is forgiveness, there is no greater challenge than forgiving and adulterous spouse. But it can be done.

Hopefully God never puts me or my wife in that position. But it helps to know whatever trials come into my marriage, it is God who chose this woman to be my wife and these trials to be my trials. And if I am to forgive even adultery, than certainly I am to forgive any lesser offense.

Just remember, there is a reason you vow to God. Because there comes a time in every marriage when the last person you want to be around is your spouse. Your vow is what keeps you together. Your vow is what carries you through.

"Love God, Love your neighbor" Your spouse IS your neighbor. Your closest neighbor. God says, if you love me, keep My commandments. Love is an action.
Paul lists the attribute of love

PATIENT: till death do us part. The whole of your human existence. Till you die. Patience is definitely needed. When you fight with a friend or someone you are dating you can always just go your own way. When you fight with your spouse, there is no where to go. Patience is a virtue much needed in marriage

KIND: If you love your spouse you shower them with kindness. When you are tired, when you are grumpy, when your patience is waning, when you you want to be angry.... you are to be Kind to your spouse

UNSELFISH: Marriage should be a give-give relationship. You give 100% and your spouse gives 100%. Not possible you say. I would agree, but that should be the goal. Give without the expectation of receiving. Be gracious in all you receive. When you let selfish expectations creep into marriage, your spouse is doomed to fail at meeting your selfish desires.

TRUTHFUL: many think it OK to lie as not to hurt your spouse. But if you love someone you are truthful. In marriage you learn the worst things about your spouse. You get to know the depths of their wretched ways. You learn things which others may never know about your spouse. That requires honesty. It requires vulnerability. It requires openness. There is no such thing as a small lie. And any lie has the potential to cause far greater damage than good.

HOPEFUL: Love is hopeful? I think this means that with Love comes blessings. It's not a wish (I hope I.... ), but it's assurance. Love gives you an assurance. It gives your spouse assurance.

ENDURES ALL THING: I'll refer back to the case of adultery. If you truly love your spouse you will endure their sin against God and forgive them. You will endure whatever it takes to move forward and heal. This is a daunting aspect of love. It helps to remember as King David declared," it is against you alone, Lord, that I have sinned." Whatever we do to our spouse, what we don't do is "sin against them". We may hurt them. We may make them feel rejected, unloved, ect. But when we sin it is against God alone that we sin. God chooses to forgive us our sin, our rejection of his law, his word, his command. If God whose ways are far above our ways can forgive his creation, we as his creation should be able to forgive each other, especially the person we have vow before God to Love.

NOT ENVIOUS: The grass is always greener on the other side. How easy is it to want what someone else has. To covet. It easy to look at your spouse and see something in them you want for your self. "Why do you get this, and I get that". "We need to be FAIR". To truly love your spouse, you are happy for the gifts God has given them. You share in their joy. "Misery loves company" is not a motto for marriage

NOT PROUD: The common phrase is "holier than thou". There is nothing wrong with acknowledging and appreciating the gifts God gives you. But you are not loving your spouse if you lord it over them or make them feel inferior.

NOT RUDE: this one is tricky. Rude can be subjective. "That's just the way I am" doesn't cut it. We already know what we consider rude, but what does your spouse consider rude. It most likely is not the same thing. I am learning this lesson the hard way.

NOT PROVOKED TO ANGER: Now there is such a thing as a righteous anger. Jesus overturned the tables in the temple in anger. But rarely do you find righteous anger in marriage. Usually anger in marriage is because we lack patience, we are rude, proud, envious, unkind, selfish, etc. I am know for pushing peoples buttons. I am often amazed at my wife's ability not to be provoked by me. Don't be easily provoked, but more importantly, don't provoke.

So, do you feel like you love your spouse OR are you loving your spouse with your actions. LOVE is an action. You may not FEEL love or in love, but you are commanded to Love. We are to Love our enemies. Sometimes your spouse feels like your enemy. LOVE THEM. Don't let your feelings get in the way of your LOVE. Love requires you to give UNCONDITIONALLY. It asks you give and expect nothing in return. It asks you to endure even when there is no hope of reprieve.

This is what you commit to when you marry. God has chosen for me a beautiful woman. She is not without flaws. Our differences certainly put me through the refining fire. I'm sure this stubborn Irishman has tested her as well. May God continue to bless us and mold us and help make us ONE.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Crooks of America

It seems there is a scam around every corner. I've been getting allot of phone calls lately about "making money at home". Don't get me wrong, I'd love a business where I don't have to leave my home. I could move anywhere I wanted then. But they all try to sell the same spiel. Just give us $200 and we'll get you started. It's your own business. What business can you start for $200?

OK, now first the whole "this is your own business". What a bunch of hogwash. If it is a legitimate business at all, they are only seeking you to be a "contractor" because they don't have to pay workman's comp, health care, unemployment, ect. So even though you are a 'private contractor" you are still working to line someone else's pockets.

I'll be damned if I'm gonna pay a dime to line anyone else's pockets. You want me to work for you, than pay me to work for you. But don't try to sell me the "it's your business" crap.

Second round of Scam Artist

We are looking to move to a bigger home. We want to stay in the neighborhood where we are. We find a place on craigslist, walk a few blocks over and check it out. It's $1300/month. Two days later the same house is listed on craigslist for $1600/month. I contact the person. They tell me they are in London (new job) and are just looking for someone to take care of their home. Then they send me this phony application (my 10 year old could have done a better job).

Next day they send me an e'mail saying the person who has the key to show the house has come down ill and is in the hospital. My wife finds the same house on craigslist again for $2100/month, this time by a management agency. I called them up and they told me they are aware of the fraud and trying to catch the perp.

That night I post up a wanted add for a 3 bedroom in Whittier on craigslist. I really am looking. Today I get an e'mail. Different scam artist: his story
I'm living in Australia and really am just looking for someone to watch and take care of my home.. bla bla bla.. Unoriginal bastard.

So, the quest continues as I siphon through the crooks of America.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Ten Commandments

Today our Pastor finished preaching on the “Ten Commandments”. As we’ve gone through this series I’ve my own failures to follow God’s Law. The first four commandments all pertain to Loving God. No other Gods, Taking God’s name in vain, Graven images of God and heaven and the Lords Sabbath. I certainly fail in all of these.

But it is the Loving One Another portion of God’s law that my failure truly becomes apparent to me.


Honor Your Father and Your Mother ~ this law pertains to the proper relationship between parents and children and really extends to all authorities God has placed in our lives. I recently had an argument with my stepmother regarding my relationship with my Father. The truth is I don’t honor my parents. I barely speak to either of them. Yet I expect my children to honor me.

My disdain for authority has gotten me in hot water on many occasions. How do I teach my children a lesson I never learned myself? Hmmm. How do I begin to honor my parents? Why can I talk to my elders, my friends, my siblings, and complete strangers, but when faced with my parents I am silent?

God says we should honor our parents (authorities). He doesn’t say we should honor them if they are Christian or if they are good parents. We are to honor them, Period. They are entitled to honor by the fact that God has chosen them to be your parent.


You Shall Not Murder ~ Most of us will say, “I’ve never killed anyone”. But this command goes much deeper than that. It deals with unjust anger. It deals with malicious intent of the heart. I have felt rage, anger, disdain, and contempt for my fellow man. I have rejoiced at my enemy’s misery.

I have been angry at my wife, my children, my siblings and my parents. These are those I am supposed to Love.


You shall not commit adultery ~ Once again, most of us will say “I’ve never cheated on my spouse”. But Jesus said, if you lust in your heart, you are guilty. So, all of you men out there who have looked at a woman, who you weren’t married to, lustfully, please raise your hand. Now, I’m a man and I know how men think. But women are a mystery. I’m certain women look lustfully at men. I just don’t know how often or what would temp a women. In short, we are guilty.


You shall not steal ~ This is really about honesty. Honesty in business, honesty in relationships, honesty in all transactions.

It is also about being a good steward of what God gives you. The earth and all that is in it belongs to God. We are to care for the things he gives us. Negligence in caring for our property is a violation of this law.

There is the obvious taking of another's property.


Bearing a false witness ~ during the time of the judges if you testified falsely against your neighbor, then you were given the punishment you wanted him to receive. So if I accuse a man of murder falsely in hopes of his execution, I would be executed instead. How many of you would be willing to risk your own life or property to falsely accuse someone else?

But this is more than just courtroom drama. It is also about honesty. Not slandering your neighbor. Not gossiping (even the truth can be used as slander). God is very concerned that we deal fairly with one another.


Thou shalt not covet ~ In short if we are not content with God’s providence in our lives. Our husbands, our wives, our children, our job, our home, our food, our resources, our burdens, than we covet more than God has chosen to give us. This doesn’t mean we don’t strive to better our lives. But it means we appreciate what we have. In want or wealth, it should be God’s grace that sustains us and keeps us satisfied.

I think it can be said that this is the commandment that leads us to break the rest.

I am grateful that it is by God’s grace I am saved and not by my obedience to God’s law. I’m a thankful that God has given me Faith in Jesus alone for redemption from my violation of his Law. It is God’s law that reminds me what a wretched sinner I am and how desperately I am in need of a savior. Thank God for being a Gracious God, for sending his Son to take my curse upon himself and pay the price for the sins I commit. Thank God I don’t have to count own “goodness” to save me.