It seems there is a scam around every corner. I've been getting allot of phone calls lately about "making money at home". Don't get me wrong, I'd love a business where I don't have to leave my home. I could move anywhere I wanted then. But they all try to sell the same spiel. Just give us $200 and we'll get you started. It's your own business. What business can you start for $200?
OK, now first the whole "this is your own business". What a bunch of hogwash. If it is a legitimate business at all, they are only seeking you to be a "contractor" because they don't have to pay workman's comp, health care, unemployment, ect. So even though you are a 'private contractor" you are still working to line someone else's pockets.
I'll be damned if I'm gonna pay a dime to line anyone else's pockets. You want me to work for you, than pay me to work for you. But don't try to sell me the "it's your business" crap.
Second round of Scam Artist
We are looking to move to a bigger home. We want to stay in the neighborhood where we are. We find a place on craigslist, walk a few blocks over and check it out. It's $1300/month. Two days later the same house is listed on craigslist for $1600/month. I contact the person. They tell me they are in London (new job) and are just looking for someone to take care of their home. Then they send me this phony application (my 10 year old could have done a better job).
Next day they send me an e'mail saying the person who has the key to show the house has come down ill and is in the hospital. My wife finds the same house on craigslist again for $2100/month, this time by a management agency. I called them up and they told me they are aware of the fraud and trying to catch the perp.
That night I post up a wanted add for a 3 bedroom in Whittier on craigslist. I really am looking. Today I get an e'mail. Different scam artist: his story
I'm living in Australia and really am just looking for someone to watch and take care of my home.. bla bla bla.. Unoriginal bastard.
So, the quest continues as I siphon through the crooks of America.
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