I recent attended the first annual Bahnsen Conference at my church. Greg Bahnsen was a brilliant theologian with the gift of simplification.
This post is not about Greg Bahnsen, but if you've never heard of him, look him up. I ran into a gentlemen who is a Kinist. If you don't know what that is, don't worry, most people don't. I do because I spent years in a debate with a very close friend who had embraced these views. Eventually this led to us going our separate ways on less than congenial terms.
This post is not about Kinism. But rather about extreme views that are "outside of orthodoxy". What does that mean you ask? I'm not a theologian, but for me it has always meant, beliefs that are clearly contrary to the Bible.
It has been my observation over the years that what happens is someone has a belief and they read a text in Scripture which they think supports their belief and then they proceed to build a whole line of thinking around that one text. It typically leads to grossly distorting the primary text as well as other texts which must be distorted in order to fit this worldview. Usually they are supported by extra-Biblical arguments.
Sadly, those who hold to one of these view are so committed to their belief that no level of reason, evidence or truth can convince them otherwise. It often results in the loss of friends, family and other relationships as this one extreme view encompasses your life.
I used to get angry or passionately aggressive in opposition to extremist. I would spend hours if not days (months) in research and discussion/debate. But running into this Kinist reminded me of why I don't do this anymore. First, I just don't have the time. But more importantly, I know it is easy for me to go from brotherly correction, to arrogant opposition. And in doing so I'm not honoring God. I'm dishonoring God and robbing my family of precious time I could be doing Husbandly (yes, I know that isn't a word) and Fatherly thing.
Maybe someday, when I don't have 3 kids to raise and work and school and when I've had more time to ground myself in God's Word, I'll re-engage the extremist. But for now, I'll share the gospel where I can, and focus on raising my kids in the "fear and admonition of the Lord".
To my Kinist friends and other extremist whom I know and love, I'll keep praying for you. I know only God can open your eyes. I'm saddened by the destruction you bring into your lives and the lives of those you love. I'm saddened and frustrated that you can't see how extreme and unBiblical your views really are.
And you probably think me naive, hateful, biased or bigoted just for saying that.
"Let God be true, and every man a liar". God's truth is only found in God's Word. If your truth is originating from any other starting place, you are misled. Any man who tries to convince you otherwise you should flee from.
We sinners will never know the truth perfectly while on earth. But even in our imperfect knowledge we need to stand against what is clearly opposed to God's Word.