Articles like this demonstrate that not only do they not get it, but they are not even trying to get it. And insinuating that Trump was elected by a bunch of uneducated buffoons, is patently untrue and insulting to the middle class who looked at their life under the establishment and en mass voted against the establishment.
They voted for the non-establishment. They voted for change that the electorate on both sides has been seeking for a very long time.
Obama ran on Change 8 years ago and won. Though all he did was deepen government control of our lives. No real change was forthcoming.
Now Trump ran on change and won as well. Will America actually get change this time? Who knows. What I do know is that Americans loudly and clearly voted against
-biased media
-the 'establishment'
They voted for a candidate who fits nowhere on the 3x5 card of approved and allowable political opinion. The Republicans tried to stop him. The media tried to stop him. Democrats tried to stop him. He shredded their cards of political pandering and political correctness. And America embraced him for it.
I am one of the 'uneducated'. I was never brainwashed by collegiate professors. I've studied politics, history and economics on my own most of my life. I did not vote in ignorance and I did not vote the lesser of two evils. I am a principled voter and always vote my conscience.
Trumps rhetoric doesn't scare me. I'm interest to see if a man, who has never been a bureaucrat, who can't be bough, is not beholden to political parties or lobbyist and who isn't interested in PC non-sense, can effect change in a system grounded in over a century of political corruption, power grabbing and freedom destruction.
And if he can't impact the system, if there is no change forthcoming, then the future truly is bleak. Because this means the path we are on, the path that Hillary wanted us to continue on, is unavoidable.
And pundits like the guy who wrote this article will never see the path of destruction the establishment has us on until it's too late. All he can see is that a bunch of 'uneducated' folk voted against his perspective.
Trump won because the concept of a Great America, the America we grew up believing in, is something we long for as we watch our nation slide deeper and deeper into PC, liberal oblivion.
Trump has shaken the establishment, leaving everyone scrambling for footing. He has left a trail of political destruction in his wake and both parties are at a loss as to what to do. He's violated every political rule written and proved how meaningless their rule book is. He did the exact opposite of what everyone said he should do, and now he is the President Elect.
I have no idea what type of President he will be. But if he can continue to tear down the establishment and expose their corruption I'm looking forward to the ride.