Tuesday, February 28, 2006

It's me myself and I :-)

It occurred to me as I was reviewing my glamorous site that nobody reads this. Oh well, such is life. Well gotta go cook the Rugrat breakfast.

Talk to myself later.


Soli Deo Gloria said...

Don't be so sure about that. We're all just waiting for you to slip up and THEN we'll trounce you and all that you say. Mwuahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

We are just waiting for you to finally write something worth us reading. Anytime now it is bound to happen.

SOB said...

Good to know my smart ass friends are still lingering in the shadows...

Soli Deo Gloria said...

I guess that's better than being called a dumb ass. :-D

SOB said...

Must have missed that article.. The Perilous Water of Life... hmmm.. we'll have to aquire ourselves a bottle of that fine Scottish mix.. Then we can light our drinks on fire and pray we don't singe the hair off our face.