Thursday, April 06, 2006

Homeschool statistics

This is for those who constantly question my choice to homeschool my son. This is by far the best way to raise a child available today.


Soli Deo Gloria said...

I read that article a while back myself and loved it. Those in opposition to homeschooling base their opinions on second-hand information and mischaracterizations based on a very small minority sensationalized by the biased media.

Homeschooled Christian kids are amazing. Having followed a few links here and there, I've been able to read some highly intelligent posts from homeschooled teens that, quite frankly, would makes well-studied Christians to shame. Add to that the humility and respect they have for each other and *drumroll* is just so refreshing.

Anyone who wishes to pit the benefits of homeschooling vs. government schooling need to see that percentage-wise, homeschooling produces more intelligent, well-rounded, and respectful kids than government schooling.

Anonymous said...

I agree that homeschooling works and can be a very viable option. What grates at my nerves are the parents who decide to homeschool their children to keep the kids from having to face any negative consequences for their negative behaviors. We have a parent that homeschools her daughter for about 6 months, re-nerolls her in our school until the daughter cuts loose and gets in trouble, and then homeschools her again. This poor girl is never allowed any sort of freedom when she is being homeschooled because her mother is not completely normal. When she has the chance to be in a social situation, like public school, she doesn't have the social skills to pick good friends and control herself. She's a nice young lady, and I hate to see her being sequestered during her teen years. This mother is the kind of person that causes negative views of homeschooling.

SOB said...

Wow, what an evil thing to do to a child. I guess we should add the pre-requisite of a sane loving set of parents...

Soli Deo Gloria said...

Anyone else need a reason to pull their kids out of public school (not yo-yo them in and out of it)? Check this.