Thursday, November 30, 2006

Corporate vs Private

I found out today that I will have to end a business relationship I've developed with a private entrepreneur. Corporate restructuring is forcing my hand. I understand completely from the Corporate standpoint why the decision was made. It doesn't make it easier knowing that in the near future I will have to inform this small business owner that we can no longer use his services. We are one of his biggest clients. How will this loss affect his business which he works so hard to run?

Maybe I'm worried about my own loss. He is my most reliable vendor. His company jumps through hoops for me. I'm reluctant to loose such an asset. I'm reluctant to pull the rug out from under a man and an organization which has worked so hard on my behalf.

Not that I have a choice in the matter. The decision has been made. This time, I'm not the decision maker, but simple the messenger of bad news.

From a Corporate viewpoint, this is the best move we can make. I know this. I agree with this. Business is business, I guess.

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