Saturday, January 20, 2007

President Who?

For the first time in my voting life I am excited about a prospective Presidential Candidate. Who is he? None other than Mr. Ron Paul (congressman extraordinaire). You will find a link to his LEWROCKWELL.COM archives (where he posts his congressional speeches as well as his articles) to the right of the current text. My friend, Dan, believes the rest of the Republican Party is going to try to squash him, because he is actually a conservative (what a novel idea for a Republican). So spread the word. There is a REAL CONSERVATIVE actually running for president. The more people we tell, the less his campaign manager has to raise to pay for advertising. The internet is free (almost).

1 comment:

lizzybee said...

I think that Dan is right. Some in the Republican leadership have in the past unsuccessfully subverted Paul's run for re-election by supporting Republican opponents. Congressman Paul has been a real thorn in the side of the many socialist Republicans. Those of us that stand for the Constitution must work to elect Paul by refuting the much touted wrongheaded idea of "voting for the lesser evil" which is still voting for evil.