Friday night is guys night. Yesterday me and the boys were sitting in the yard smoking pipes (tabbaco), and tapping the mini-keg as we conversed about everything under the sun. I left that conversation with a keen awareness of where I came from spiritually and where many people I know still are. In short, I was spiritually dead and now I'm spiritually alive.
Why did this leave such an impression on me? I've know this simple truth for years. Well, I've been evangalizing for years. I've never had much success (as far as I know). In 10 years I've managed to get two people to go to church with me (one of them is my wife). I've always thought it was my failure to be theoligically astute and my lack of persuasive skills, which kept friends and family from accepting my invite. But I'm wrong.
The real answer is that the world is filled with the spiritually dead. Nothing I say or do will change them. Only God can change them. The dead can't hear when I speak. They don't even know they are dead. How can the dead be aware of anything. It is only when God gives them back life that they become aware of their former state of death.
So why continue speaking to the spirtually dead who can't hear me? Because God commands it, and it is him who will give them life through my words if he so choses. So, my apparent failure isn't a failure at all. It is simply me doing as God commands, and trusting that he will work through me to accomplish his Good Will.
"I see Dead People, they are everywhere, they don't know they are Dead" Ok, it's a cheesy movie quote, but when applied to the gospel it is a daunting view of the reality of the world in which we live.
Indeed...Like a tree falling in a forest that wasn't even there.
Really? Where? oh wait...are you talking about me?
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