Tuesday, July 03, 2007

mindless bla......

What to right (my wife wants me to correct this... I think I'll leave it this way just to bug her).. oh the dilema... I have this 20lb chubby entity on my lap who seems thoroughly enthralled by the letters on the screen. If only they were always this easy to entertain.

My house is finally empty. Just in time for the heat of summer. Oh for air conditioning.

Caleb is growing fast. We have to get him a mattress for his bed before he grows out of his bassinet. My wife has a fit every time I mention putting him in another room (she just read this and is wining about it... NNNOOOOOOO). Must be a mommy thing.

Work is chaotic as ever. My boss wants to make me his assistant so he can move on to other things (he wants me to take over his job). I hope that involves a raise. We keep redifining our roles. I think the upper eschalones of my corporation are completely baffled by us. Keeps my life busy. I worked 20 straight hours last week and then woke up three hours later for another 10. My peoples all think I'm crazy.

I'd love to keep rambling about nothing but Caleb seems to think my fingers belong in his hands or his mouth and it's really difficult to type anything, yet alone construct a cohesive thought.

BTW, welcome to SUMMER....

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