When you are in management you see all sorts of things you wouldn't expect. It's a backstage pass to the theatre where you get to see what the audience can't see. The most recent incident still has me stunned.
When you work in the Manufacturing industry, safety is a huge concern. Large machines with lots of torque; slippery surfaces; compressed air, hydraulics, and electricity everywhere. There are lots of places one can hurt oneself. There are lots of people who out of ignorance can be hurt by the carelessness of those who know.
KM (my engineer) walked by an exposed 440 volt electric panel on his way to lunch. Nobody around but the guy cleaning the floor. HMMM.. water and electricity, good mix. After an short investigation we quickly discovered who was responsible for leaving the panel open. We called a meeting of all of our electricians and ran through the importance of electrical safety. AP, the electrician responsible, was given a verbal warning (nothing official) and his response was, "But I waited till nobody was around." Nobody but the guy with the bucket of soapy water washing the floor.
AP felt singled out and "knew" that another electrician had "snitched" to KM. He walked up to the other electrician and flattly said "In Cuba, we kill guys like you!" and walked away.
Up to this point AP had conveyed nothing but a friendly attittude to everyone. I think I'm stunned more by who said it, than by what was said. It's a reminder that the unassuming nice guys aren't always nice. Place Mr. Nice Guy in a defensive posture and the fangs will come out.
AP went on vacation before we were made aware of his comment. When he gets back we'll have to deal with him. I wonder if his hostility will be redirected at us, or burn more fiercly towards the "snitch" who told on him. I wonder what an old Cuban (he's in his 50's) could devise against someone. Will his anger grow to a point of action?
I guess I"ll find out.
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