Sunday, June 15, 2008


"Black kids are magicians, they make their fathers disappear!"

Did he just say that? *blinks* He did just say that.

Actually I didn't. The black comedian I watching at 1am did. Not sure why I'm up at 1am, but I am. Now I don't know about you, but that line had me rolling. (it's probably funnier when delivered by someone other than me)

"the average white man gets pulled over and he's thinking, 'I hope I don't get a ticket'. I get pulled over and I'm thinking, 'I hope nobody who looks like me did something'."

I love great comedians, but I think black comedians have an unfair advantage. They are allowed to throw out the borderline if not blatant racist jokes that would get anyone else blacklisted. Labelled a bigot.

Guess that's just part of living in our politically correct world.

Ok, one more joke. Read it slowly with an Irish accent.

"This jokes about an Irishman working in England. As you know there's alot of Irishman working in England. They go over there and help em to build the skyscrapers, the highways, the supermarkets, the hotels. And then they go back a couple of years later and blow them all up... and then they go back and build them again.. and than they go and blow them all up.. and then they go back and build them again. And the English haven't caught on yet. They think it's political. It's not. It's Job Security!"

and on that note, I'm off to bed.

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