Wednesday, December 10, 2008


How do you knock a 19 month old boy on his ass? Why 110 Volts of electricity of course. My wife found this out the hard way when Caleb stuck a hair pin in an electrical outlet today.

Darrien saw the whole thing. Caleb was sitting on the carpet, picked up my wife's hair pin and jammed it right in the socket. The resulting power surge knocked him on his back dimmed all the lights in the house and according to my wife, caused that glorious crackling sound.

About this time my phone rings. It's my wife calling to fill me in all the details and ask what to do. There are no burn marks and he seems ok, so I tell her to call the Pediatrician. The Pediatrician is astounded that we even asked and says go to the Emergency Room.

Normally I avoid hospitals like the plague. The human body has the miraculous ability to heal itself and most of the time I like it that way. But when you unnaturally run large quantities of electrons through the human body, it tends to do internal damage that isn't visible through normal observation. So I conceded and we took Taz to the ER.

He was scared and wouldn't let me put him down. He went into voluntary convulsion when they inflated a sleeve around his leg to take his BP. Similar results when they put the cold stethoscope on his chest.

Net Result
Kid is fine. No permanent or serious damage.
Only cost me $150 to verify that.

Of course we get home and what does Caleb do? Heads right back to the light socket and tries to remove the child safety cover. That kids gonna give me gray hair.

1 comment:

Playskull said...

Man, none of my kids have done that...yet. Then again, whenever they get near a socket, my booming, gutteral call of their name gets their attention enough that they know not to do what I think they are going to do. But they're still young, which really means they're still dumb. LOL