Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I've been an American my whole life. There have been six US Presidents in my lifetime. I just want to know why this is the first time in my life that every time the President speaks, every channel shuts down all regular programming to broadcast his oh-so-important, professionally drafted, reading via a teleprompter of someone elses words?

Just wondering what makes this President any different than the other five?

1 comment:

Uneva said...

What makes this presidency so different than all the others? That's simple: most of the others slowly, subtly, quietly, craftily slipped their Socialistic ideas and mannerisms into play...like the frog in the boiling water that you've mentioned. Obama, on the other hand, once he'd been elected, put all his cards on the table and, with megaphone in hand, yelled, this is the way it is, and this is how it's gonna' be - Socialism is on its way. Learn to live with it. Just in case there are any political objectors out there, I'm gonna' work as fast and furiously as I possibly can, to accomplish my goal. After all...I may only have four years to do it.

It was, indeed, a wake-up call.