Sunday, August 16, 2009


Have you ever tried to think about eternity? I've tried. I can't truly fathom it. Just trying to comprehend it is scary.

Trying to imagine eternity in Hell is even worse. Remember your worst week. Remember how long that week seemed at the time. Now imagine it lasting forever. No end in sight ever. No light at the end of the tunnel.

But even when you take hell out of the picture, eternity is daunting. My short life here seems so long. What do you do in eternity? Time with no end.

The Bible says men used to live to be 800 and 900 years old. Even that is hard to imagine. Imagine living through the entire history of America. Movies like highlander have tried to capture that concept.

I know my life on this earth will eventually end. And then I'll be faced with eternity. I guess I'm just not ready to contemplate and accept what that truly means. It's hard enough dealing with the hear and now, without having to face never ending existence.

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