Monday, November 09, 2009

So long, and thanks for the fishes

Friends are easy to make. Lifelong friends are irreplaceable.

In less than a week my oldest and best friend (outside of my marriage that is) will be moving to Maryland. God has blessed him with a job in a Christian Law firm out there.

For me this is both a joyous and sad event. Joyous in knowing how this will bless his family. Sad in knowing that there is a good chance we may never live in the same city again.

When I came back to California I was blessed with all of my childhood buddies. Soon only three of us will be left. My family is all gone. And LA becomes more of a cesspool everyday. It seems the only thing left to stay here for is the Sunshine.

Of the three remaining I will probably be the only one to leave. The other two have heavy investments in family here. But where shall I go?

I've been contemplating that thought for years. So, will it be CDA, Id; Spokane, Wa; Boulder, Co; Chesapeake, Va; Maryland; New York; Tennessee; Do I have good reason to go to any of these places or to shun them? What is the best move for my family? Alas, only God really knows. All I know is that LA isn't the place to be, nor California for that matter.

Where ever I go, it will hopefully be my last big move. I think my Grandpa had it right when he settled in one place and made it his home. So I guess I better choose wisely.

I bid farewell to a lifelong friend and look forward in great anticipation to the day when I can say to California once and for all "so long, and thanks for the fishes"

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