I've been thinking about going to college for 23 years now. At first I was too young and just looking to the future. Then I couldn't afford it. Then I just wasn't motivated. Than I could afford it but was busy doing other things. Then I was busy doing other things and couldn't afford it. Now I am busy doing many things and might be able to afford it.
I am also currently motivated. Why you may ask?
First, I am running out of time to have taxpayers like myself compensate me for volunteering six years of my life to the Department of Offense (I mean defense) by paying my tuition cost. Also known as the GI Bill. Yes, I know it's forced relocation of money by the gov't. But the way I see it, I'm just getting my taxes back. I think I've given Uncle Sam enough money in taxes, social security benefits, FICA and other taxes. Not to mention DMV fees, Sales tax, parking tickets, speeding tickets, and countless other ways the gov't has ripped me off over my lifetime. It's time I get my money back.
Second, I am discovering in my middle age that progression beyond my current level of the corporate ladder is rather difficult without a degree. Not impossible, but certainly not a walk in the park. My Father successfully climbed the corporate ladder without a degree. But he is one of the few if not the only one that I know of who has succeeded on the non-degree route. I have achieved a relatively high level for my education, age and work experience. But stepping up beyond where I am is proving quite the challenge. And since I have no intention of being a Maintenance Planner the rest of my life, it's time to move forward.
So, I am looking for the key that opens many doors. It's amazing that our society puts such value on a piece of paper, but they do, and since I have and continue to gain work experience, I think it about time I get to working on the other side of the coin.
Lastly, I intend to follow the footsteps of an elderly man who works with me. He has been a floor worker for 30+ years. He bikes 15 miles to and from work daily. He manually loads aluminum day in and day out. He is always enrolled in one class. He says he doesn't ever intend to not be learning something new. I think that is a sound policy for anyone.
So wish me luck as I once again, hopefully successfully this time, venture back into the world of collegiate education. And for anyone else considering college, it would serve you well to read this article by Dr Gary North.
It could save you a bundle of dough and much time. Because truth be told, I work in the corporate world, and rarely does anyone research the college you get your degree from. And if they do, as long as it is ABEC accredited (for you maintenance / engineering folk) or accredited by one of the six Regional accreditation agencies, it doesn't matter what school you get your degree from.
Test Prayer
Now I lay me down to study
I pray the Lord I won't go nutty
If I fail to learn this junk
I pray the Lord I will not flunk
But if I do don't pity me at all
Just lay my bones down in the study hall
Tell my teacher I did my best
Then pile my books upon my chest
Now I lay me down to rest
And pray I'll pass tomorrow's test
If I die before I wake
That's one lest test I'll have to take
Sufferin' Student
A Navy Captain once plagiarized this poem from me for a graduation speech.
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