I recent attended the first annual Bahnsen Conference at my church. Greg Bahnsen was a brilliant theologian with the gift of simplification.
This post is not about Greg Bahnsen, but if you've never heard of him, look him up. I ran into a gentlemen who is a Kinist. If you don't know what that is, don't worry, most people don't. I do because I spent years in a debate with a very close friend who had embraced these views. Eventually this led to us going our separate ways on less than congenial terms.
This post is not about Kinism. But rather about extreme views that are "outside of orthodoxy". What does that mean you ask? I'm not a theologian, but for me it has always meant, beliefs that are clearly contrary to the Bible.
It has been my observation over the years that what happens is someone has a belief and they read a text in Scripture which they think supports their belief and then they proceed to build a whole line of thinking around that one text. It typically leads to grossly distorting the primary text as well as other texts which must be distorted in order to fit this worldview. Usually they are supported by extra-Biblical arguments.
Sadly, those who hold to one of these view are so committed to their belief that no level of reason, evidence or truth can convince them otherwise. It often results in the loss of friends, family and other relationships as this one extreme view encompasses your life.
I used to get angry or passionately aggressive in opposition to extremist. I would spend hours if not days (months) in research and discussion/debate. But running into this Kinist reminded me of why I don't do this anymore. First, I just don't have the time. But more importantly, I know it is easy for me to go from brotherly correction, to arrogant opposition. And in doing so I'm not honoring God. I'm dishonoring God and robbing my family of precious time I could be doing Husbandly (yes, I know that isn't a word) and Fatherly thing.
Maybe someday, when I don't have 3 kids to raise and work and school and when I've had more time to ground myself in God's Word, I'll re-engage the extremist. But for now, I'll share the gospel where I can, and focus on raising my kids in the "fear and admonition of the Lord".
To my Kinist friends and other extremist whom I know and love, I'll keep praying for you. I know only God can open your eyes. I'm saddened by the destruction you bring into your lives and the lives of those you love. I'm saddened and frustrated that you can't see how extreme and unBiblical your views really are.
And you probably think me naive, hateful, biased or bigoted just for saying that.
"Let God be true, and every man a liar". God's truth is only found in God's Word. If your truth is originating from any other starting place, you are misled. Any man who tries to convince you otherwise you should flee from.
We sinners will never know the truth perfectly while on earth. But even in our imperfect knowledge we need to stand against what is clearly opposed to God's Word.
Don't think me unkind... Words are hard to find... They're only checks I've left unsigned... From the banks of chaos in my mind...
Wednesday, November 06, 2013
Wednesday, August 07, 2013
A young mans choice!
Next week my oldest starts High School. Not sure how I feel about that. I don't feel like I'm old enough to have a son in High School. He's still so young, yet sometimes he surprises me.
Not long ago he wanted to spend the night at a friends house. And he wanted to skip church the next morning. So I made him a deal that if he led a 30 minute Bible Study with his friends on Sunday he could stay over.
The next morning he's talking about the Bible Study and one of his friends pipes up, "oh, your Dad was just kidding."
"My Dad does not kid about the Bible" he states as a matter of fact. Thus begins the discussion of what to study. Mrs J, who is hosting the party suggest just reading a chapter of Scripture and then talking about it.
My son picks a Proverb that is heavy on the topic of adultery. These young teens end up in a very serious discussion on fidelity in marriage, sex outside of marriage and so on and so forth. Mrs J was very impressed, as was I later when she told me about it.
Mrs J told me later that the boys taught her something, an important something. Every sexual relationship you have before you are married is an infidelity towards the person you marry. It's a lesson that many never learn.
She asked my son later why he picked that chapter. His reply? "I thinks it's important and I wanted my friends to know it."
As much as I complain about him, sometimes he demonstrates that we are doing something right. God has blessed me with a wonderful family, a God fearing family. And every now and then he shows me how His Grace in my life, and my obedience is being payed forward to my family. My children are being given a much better start to life than I was given.
And they are going to need it, because life is getting hairy if I do say so myself. Lord willing I am preparing them for it.
Not long ago he wanted to spend the night at a friends house. And he wanted to skip church the next morning. So I made him a deal that if he led a 30 minute Bible Study with his friends on Sunday he could stay over.
The next morning he's talking about the Bible Study and one of his friends pipes up, "oh, your Dad was just kidding."
"My Dad does not kid about the Bible" he states as a matter of fact. Thus begins the discussion of what to study. Mrs J, who is hosting the party suggest just reading a chapter of Scripture and then talking about it.
My son picks a Proverb that is heavy on the topic of adultery. These young teens end up in a very serious discussion on fidelity in marriage, sex outside of marriage and so on and so forth. Mrs J was very impressed, as was I later when she told me about it.
Mrs J told me later that the boys taught her something, an important something. Every sexual relationship you have before you are married is an infidelity towards the person you marry. It's a lesson that many never learn.
She asked my son later why he picked that chapter. His reply? "I thinks it's important and I wanted my friends to know it."
As much as I complain about him, sometimes he demonstrates that we are doing something right. God has blessed me with a wonderful family, a God fearing family. And every now and then he shows me how His Grace in my life, and my obedience is being payed forward to my family. My children are being given a much better start to life than I was given.
And they are going to need it, because life is getting hairy if I do say so myself. Lord willing I am preparing them for it.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
"What are you Prepared to Do?"
“How do you handle a worker who refuses to follow the simple
rules? Repeatedly? What if there was
nothing in the contract that allowed you to discipline them?”
This was the question that had me stumped today. Hmmmm
There are really only two ways to get someone to choose to
do the right thing. Positive
reinforcement or negative reinforcement.
So in thinking about this, now I relate it to how I raise my
children. I instruct them, guide them
correct them, correct them again. At
some point I have to acknowledge that their disobedience is rebellion deserving
of negative reinforcement.
But the negative reinforcement can’t be reactionary. It’s only truly effective if it is not
reactionary, but rather a calculated discipline. You have to explain to them why it is they
are being disciplined. And dealing with employees is often like dealing with children.
So if I take the principles of “Resolve conflict at the
lowest possible level” and “Positive reinforcement before negative
reinforcement”, then apply it to this question, what do I come up with?
First the activity has to be identified as wrong. The individual must receive instructions
clarifying that his actions are wrong and why.
Should this be a repeat offense the individuals actions should be
brought to his direct supervisor to once again correct with positive reinforcement
and continue to monitor. There is no
black and white answer as to what point is correct to shift from positive
reinforcement to negative reinforcement.
But at some point discipline must become the method of behavior
Now in this particular scenario, there was no option for
discipline to be used as a method of behavior adjustment. Thus you end up in the less than idea
situation of repeating the positive reinforcement over and over again, until
the subject succumbs just to get you to leave him alone. Your positive reinforcement becomes negative
reinforcement by its obnoxiously repetitive nature.
One thing I’ve learned is the old adage, “where there is a
will, there is a way” is almost always true.
The value of the challenge must be more than the resistance to the
challenge. Or in this case, the value of
correction must be more than the resistance to correction in order for the
leader to be motivated enough to find a solution to the conundrum.
So truth be told, I still don’t have an answer to the
question. Only the knowledge that there
is always a way if the will is strong enough.
In the words of Sean Connery, “What are you prepared to do?”
Saturday, March 09, 2013
Back To School
Dr. Gary North told me I should blog about my college experience. I'm thinking I just need to get back into blogging. I like dumping my thoughts out through my fingers onto a screen. It's therapeutic.
To those who visit my blog (all one of you), I apologize for my absence. Not that I'm going to become a frequent blogger like I used to, but I would like to become a more frequent blogger.
So I am a student again. I must say after being out of the academic world for over a decade, it's quite the culture shock to be a student. Suddenly format and context matter again. They have this thing called "APA" formatting. It basically means you have to jump on one leg, while sacrificing you firstborn to ensure you are not plagiarizing anyone, including yourself. Still unsure of how I can plagiarize myself, but they say it can happen.
Apparently I'm not very good at it, because after completing 2 classes and a handful of papers, my professors still are telling me I'm doing it wrong. I asked my latest prof to help me understand what I'm doing wrong. He said, and I quote "When doing any scholarly paper, you must cite any data which is not common knowledge. Common knowledge is defined as any data which would not be known by the common man,"
Any data not known by the common man?!?! WTF? First off, how do you define the 'common knowledge'? Even more perplexing, how do you define 'common man'? Spend 10 minutes on facebook and you can quickly figure out that 'knowledge' is in short order in our country. Is that where I should go to learn the knowledge level of the 'common man'? So anything the average high school graduate, that says 'like' every other word, can't write, can barely read, and can't do basic addition without a calculator I have to cite? Or am I being too negative? I'm in college, I would expect the 'common' level of 'knowledge' to be above that of say your average high schooler. What a bunch of SUBJECTIVE hogwash.
Yes, I am my usual wise ass self, even in college. I think part of my problem is I've spent many years studying various topics, get this, FOR FUN. And so my personal knowledge level is above that of what a professor would define as 'common knowledge'. So when I am writing my college papers, quite often I'm not referencing anyone. Do I cite myself? How does one go about citing himself? "In the paper I am currently writing, pulled from the chaotic annals of my mind, I thought bla...." (OBrien, 2013).
Probably wouldn't go over well. The two Prof's I've had so far didn't seem real big on sense of humors. But some of the students and I are having a blast. I even stumped my first professor. Really, I did. We were having an exchange on a discussion board and I was just fielding what to me were logical questions to her statements. The conversation ended with her stating simply, "I'm not qualified to continue this discussion."
I must say that floored me. Not qualified? Aren't you the person with a Doctorate? I don't even have an AA. Not qualified? Really? Who's teaching who here?
The good news is, that while I suck at formatting to a standard that I will never use outside of college (I'm okay with that), I'm still getting A's (two of them so far). Let us hope the trend lasts.
And I'm engaging the students, who aren't as stiff as the Prof's. With any luck I can open some eyes to a way of thinking not taught by the liberals who run my school. They are sharper than the Prof's anyway (at least some of them). It's an online school so some of the students are on the other side of the planet. Talk about gaining perspective.
So, 5 more credits and I have my Associates Degree in Technical studies (with a focus on Nuclear Power). Then it's on to a BS in Electro-Mechanical Technology. The college administrators keep trying to convince me to get a BS in Nuclear Power. My training in the Navy apparently qualifies for many credits in the field. Why would I pursue a degree in a field I'm never ever ever.. did I say NEVER going back into? I'm not going to school to get a piece of paper, I want to actually learn something. What a novel thought that is. So, after much debate they gave up and I'm pursing the degree I want.
This should take me.. oh about 3 years. Hey, I'm only taking one class at a time. I thought about taking more, but I have quickly discovered that working full time as a Project Manager, while taking care of my wife and three kids doesn't leave much time for school. In fact, just the one class took enough of my time for Patty to tell me she feels like a stranger. "I know I had a husband" she likes to say. So, I'll follow the turtles example, Slow and Steady.
What else is new? We are debt free, completely debt free. I can't begin to express how good that feels. Maybe how I got out of debt should be my next blog post.
To celebrate we are spending our new found wealth on a family vacation. 26 day road trip around the western half of America. In fact we are going to make a complete loop around Utah, only touching it briefly at the Four Corner.
Remember I mentioned the juggling act of my life. Well, my boss was reluctant to allow me so much time off at once. I had to lay out in grave detail how my job was going to be accomplished while I was gone. I split up the critical logistical tasks of my day-to-day work among 4 people. Put all my strategic projects on hold and had my presentation. Lucky for me he said yes. There are still things I know are going to be missed, but I'm confident the plant will survive the month.
It feels good to be blogging again. "Poets, Priests and Politicians... have words to thank for their position... Words that scream for your submission... and no one's jamming their transmission..."
My mind is already racing to the next topic so before I start another chaotic tangent of non-sense, I bid you adieu.
To those who visit my blog (all one of you), I apologize for my absence. Not that I'm going to become a frequent blogger like I used to, but I would like to become a more frequent blogger.
So I am a student again. I must say after being out of the academic world for over a decade, it's quite the culture shock to be a student. Suddenly format and context matter again. They have this thing called "APA" formatting. It basically means you have to jump on one leg, while sacrificing you firstborn to ensure you are not plagiarizing anyone, including yourself. Still unsure of how I can plagiarize myself, but they say it can happen.
Apparently I'm not very good at it, because after completing 2 classes and a handful of papers, my professors still are telling me I'm doing it wrong. I asked my latest prof to help me understand what I'm doing wrong. He said, and I quote "When doing any scholarly paper, you must cite any data which is not common knowledge. Common knowledge is defined as any data which would not be known by the common man,"
Any data not known by the common man?!?! WTF? First off, how do you define the 'common knowledge'? Even more perplexing, how do you define 'common man'? Spend 10 minutes on facebook and you can quickly figure out that 'knowledge' is in short order in our country. Is that where I should go to learn the knowledge level of the 'common man'? So anything the average high school graduate, that says 'like' every other word, can't write, can barely read, and can't do basic addition without a calculator I have to cite? Or am I being too negative? I'm in college, I would expect the 'common' level of 'knowledge' to be above that of say your average high schooler. What a bunch of SUBJECTIVE hogwash.
Yes, I am my usual wise ass self, even in college. I think part of my problem is I've spent many years studying various topics, get this, FOR FUN. And so my personal knowledge level is above that of what a professor would define as 'common knowledge'. So when I am writing my college papers, quite often I'm not referencing anyone. Do I cite myself? How does one go about citing himself? "In the paper I am currently writing, pulled from the chaotic annals of my mind, I thought bla...." (OBrien, 2013).
Probably wouldn't go over well. The two Prof's I've had so far didn't seem real big on sense of humors. But some of the students and I are having a blast. I even stumped my first professor. Really, I did. We were having an exchange on a discussion board and I was just fielding what to me were logical questions to her statements. The conversation ended with her stating simply, "I'm not qualified to continue this discussion."
I must say that floored me. Not qualified? Aren't you the person with a Doctorate? I don't even have an AA. Not qualified? Really? Who's teaching who here?
The good news is, that while I suck at formatting to a standard that I will never use outside of college (I'm okay with that), I'm still getting A's (two of them so far). Let us hope the trend lasts.
And I'm engaging the students, who aren't as stiff as the Prof's. With any luck I can open some eyes to a way of thinking not taught by the liberals who run my school. They are sharper than the Prof's anyway (at least some of them). It's an online school so some of the students are on the other side of the planet. Talk about gaining perspective.
So, 5 more credits and I have my Associates Degree in Technical studies (with a focus on Nuclear Power). Then it's on to a BS in Electro-Mechanical Technology. The college administrators keep trying to convince me to get a BS in Nuclear Power. My training in the Navy apparently qualifies for many credits in the field. Why would I pursue a degree in a field I'm never ever ever.. did I say NEVER going back into? I'm not going to school to get a piece of paper, I want to actually learn something. What a novel thought that is. So, after much debate they gave up and I'm pursing the degree I want.
This should take me.. oh about 3 years. Hey, I'm only taking one class at a time. I thought about taking more, but I have quickly discovered that working full time as a Project Manager, while taking care of my wife and three kids doesn't leave much time for school. In fact, just the one class took enough of my time for Patty to tell me she feels like a stranger. "I know I had a husband" she likes to say. So, I'll follow the turtles example, Slow and Steady.
What else is new? We are debt free, completely debt free. I can't begin to express how good that feels. Maybe how I got out of debt should be my next blog post.
To celebrate we are spending our new found wealth on a family vacation. 26 day road trip around the western half of America. In fact we are going to make a complete loop around Utah, only touching it briefly at the Four Corner.
Remember I mentioned the juggling act of my life. Well, my boss was reluctant to allow me so much time off at once. I had to lay out in grave detail how my job was going to be accomplished while I was gone. I split up the critical logistical tasks of my day-to-day work among 4 people. Put all my strategic projects on hold and had my presentation. Lucky for me he said yes. There are still things I know are going to be missed, but I'm confident the plant will survive the month.
It feels good to be blogging again. "Poets, Priests and Politicians... have words to thank for their position... Words that scream for your submission... and no one's jamming their transmission..."
My mind is already racing to the next topic so before I start another chaotic tangent of non-sense, I bid you adieu.
The Godfather ( a post I forgot to post years ago... and my Godson is not so little anymore)
My friends at work have been caling me "Sean Corleone" all week. I can say the last thing I ever thought I would be in my lifetime is a godfather. When Nova asked me I was quite shocked and not sure what to say. My first thought was, "I'm not Catholic". But I said yes because I've been friends with her family for a very long time and I know she picked me cuz she trusts me more than any guy on the planet. "Ok, cool, btw Sean, you have to attend a class first". I have to what? Oh, good grief. It was an hour class that could have easily been summed up in five minutes. And I was tempted to speak out, but I promised Patty I'd hold my tongue.
So all last week Patty is asking me,"what are you going to wear to the baptism?" It's a baptism, not a marriage, cloths, jeans, t-shirt the usual. "You can't wear that. Call Nova and ask her what she wants you to wear. It's Catholic. Their pompous." I think I was told to call Nova at least a dozen times. Well, Nova called me Friday night,"What are you wearing tomorrow?" I don't know yet. "Well, a suit would be nice, but business casual will do". Later Nova told me, "I knew if I didn't call you, you would show up in shorts and t-shirt or something."
So, I pulled my suit out of the closet. My wife thanked Nova later. It's the first time she's seen me all dressed up since we got married.
The priest was nice. He liked to joke alot. Surprisingly I found myself in agreement with alot of what he had to say about baptism. At least the Catholic church still gets something right. Never mind the prayer to Mother Mary I read that makes her sound Holier than Jesus himself. I think they forgetten that she was human too. He also talked about raising your children with Christian values and how it takes more than sending them to church on sunday and Catholic School, but Christlike examples at home. He did a good job of expediting the process (there were seven baptisms).
The ceremony itself was a bit much. Too many robotic responses expected from the croud for me. "Would one of the godparents please come forward to light the candle, prefferable the taller one." That was me by BTW. This candle they had was just ridiculously tall. I'm pretty tall and I have monkey arms, but I could barely reach the top of this thing to light the candle. Where is big Billy Austin when I need him? I had to light the candle over and over again cuz everyone else was too short to reach. I wonder what they would have done if I wasn't there. "hey man, can I get on your shoulders?" LMAO. That would have been a beautiful addition to the ceremony.
Then off course there was picture taking. Evidence of me dressed up once again. Horrible!
The party afterwords was nice. We met at the godmother's, father's home in Tujunga. All I can say is, wow. I'd like to live there. From then on it was food champagne and corona's and lots of friendly chatter. We were so stuffed from the appetizers we didn't even bother to cook the lasagna.
All in all, it was a good day.
So all last week Patty is asking me,"what are you going to wear to the baptism?" It's a baptism, not a marriage, cloths, jeans, t-shirt the usual. "You can't wear that. Call Nova and ask her what she wants you to wear. It's Catholic. Their pompous." I think I was told to call Nova at least a dozen times. Well, Nova called me Friday night,"What are you wearing tomorrow?" I don't know yet. "Well, a suit would be nice, but business casual will do". Later Nova told me, "I knew if I didn't call you, you would show up in shorts and t-shirt or something."
So, I pulled my suit out of the closet. My wife thanked Nova later. It's the first time she's seen me all dressed up since we got married.
The priest was nice. He liked to joke alot. Surprisingly I found myself in agreement with alot of what he had to say about baptism. At least the Catholic church still gets something right. Never mind the prayer to Mother Mary I read that makes her sound Holier than Jesus himself. I think they forgetten that she was human too. He also talked about raising your children with Christian values and how it takes more than sending them to church on sunday and Catholic School, but Christlike examples at home. He did a good job of expediting the process (there were seven baptisms).
The ceremony itself was a bit much. Too many robotic responses expected from the croud for me. "Would one of the godparents please come forward to light the candle, prefferable the taller one." That was me by BTW. This candle they had was just ridiculously tall. I'm pretty tall and I have monkey arms, but I could barely reach the top of this thing to light the candle. Where is big Billy Austin when I need him? I had to light the candle over and over again cuz everyone else was too short to reach. I wonder what they would have done if I wasn't there. "hey man, can I get on your shoulders?" LMAO. That would have been a beautiful addition to the ceremony.
Then off course there was picture taking. Evidence of me dressed up once again. Horrible!
The party afterwords was nice. We met at the godmother's, father's home in Tujunga. All I can say is, wow. I'd like to live there. From then on it was food champagne and corona's and lots of friendly chatter. We were so stuffed from the appetizers we didn't even bother to cook the lasagna.
All in all, it was a good day.
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