Saturday, January 14, 2006

Just random thoughts that popped into my head...

Mary did you know that your baby boy one day woud walk on water... What did Mary know? How do you raise a boy you know is so special? I wonder if she ever saw him as Lord before he died or was he always just her little boy?

I wonder what it was like raising a child who never sinned. a child who always honors his parents. a child who was PERFECT. A child who by age twelve was conversing knowledgibly with the theologians.

Was Jesus ever wrong? Did he ever make assumptions in his youth that were false? Just because he never sinned doesn't me he didn't make mistakes.

At what age did he become a prophet? Or was he born with the gift of prophecy? I can't even contemplate being able to speak directly with God, yet alone doing so from birth.

When did Joseph and Mary tell his siblings who he really was or did they? Was there jealousy? Did his family have a false sense of entitlement being directly (blood) related to the savior of the world?

I wonder at what age God revealed his plan to his son? How many years did Jesus live with the knowledge that he would be a human sacrifice?

The "whole world" cringed in horror at the sight of seeing a total stranger have his throat cut by a terrorist. What about watching your son, brother, best friend, lord, leader, teacher crucified in the manner of Jesus?

Jesus was angry without sinning. Can you imagine being angry and it being 100% sinless and justified? I can't!

I wonder what Jesus would think of the WWJD phenomenon?

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