Sunday, September 30, 2007


My wife is visiting NYC for three weeks, which means I'm a bachelor for the moment. Having been a bachelor for many years in a previous life, you would think that would be no problem. Not so. I come home from work and find myself bombarded with silence. No wife to talk to , no son asking questions, no baby crying, nothing but silence. So I sit and wonder what to do with myself. Nothing catches my interest. I try to read but can't get into it. I don't play computer games anymore. I turn on the TV, but there is nothing catching.

In this time of loneliness it has become glaringly obvious that my family IS the center of my world. Without them I'm just an astronaut floating in space drifting farther and farther from anything that means anything to him. And the two shall become one. The longer I'm married the more meaning that has for me. The "independent nomad" I once was, is now a dependant, pseudo grounded family man. My family is no longer a futuristic want, but a current need. Life without them is not even fathomable anymore. This temporary separation is a vivid reminder of how much I enjoy my family. How much a part of me they have become.

I don't think Patty is fairing much better. She's already counting the days till she comes home. I think she is going to need a vacation from her vacation.

Back to silence I go.


Uneva said...

Just think how miserable eternal loneliness will be! ...after "till death do us part".

SOB said...

Mom, there is no loneliness in Heaven. Your statement is meaningless. Now eternal Hell, that is a very real and scary notion. But that has nothing to do with marriage. It has to do with God and his church.