I recently ended a debate I was having with a Mormon. His final response was clear. "Our worldviews are so far apart we will never find common ground." I couldn't argue with him as I agree with him. This debate led me to wonder, why are the things which are so crystal clear to me, so hard for others to see?
Here is a list of a few
-Big government is bad (no we don't need the welfare / warfare dictatorship we have)
-Government doesn't belong in the private sector. (let business and people take care of themselves, they will do a much better job)
-My money belongs to me (God only demands 10%, why should the gov't get more than God?)
-Credit is bad (my grandfather bought 7 houses in cash. Wish I had learned this lesson much earlier in life)
-An armed nation is a safer nation (no, I don't own a gun, bun I'm working on it)
-God is omniscient and in control of everything (he means evil for good and good for good)
-Welfare is bad (hellooooo, since when is stealing from one person to give to another a good idea?)
-Everyone believes in God (they do.)
-Gov't controlled schools are destroying our youth (so we should stop giving them our money)
-the Feminist movement is evil (and no, I don't hate women, I'm married to a very beautiful woman who happens to have spent the first 30 years of her life engulfed in a feminist world)
-a Christian Democrat needs to re-evaluate his faith. (before you scream, I don't like the Republicans either, but at least their political view is slightly closer to their faith which they proclaim)
I could go on for a long time and create a list that would raise all sorts of controversial issues. And then everyone would hate me and never read anything I wrote again. I guess I'm assuming that someone is actually reading this. But that isn't my point. My point is no matter the issue, the response is always the same.
Fictitious Example:
This is what I hear from my perspective.
"Tell me you don't really believe that... the earth is round" and I reply, "Well YES, I do believe... that the earth is round, and I believe it because... I've been around the earth"
Now for what they hear.
"Tell me you don't really believe that... the earth is flat" and I reply, "Well YES, I do believe... the earth is flat, and I believe it because... wah wah wah wah wah wah"
It's always as if I'm bringing some absurd notion to the table and all they can focus on is that I believe this absurd notion. The rest of my argument falls on deaf ears.
I feel like saying, "If you can just step out of your box for a few minutes, we can get past your belief that my view is absurd." Even those who seem open reach a point where there is an impenetrable wall. Usually a wall built by years of self indoctrination via church / media / and other propaganda. It molds their thoughts into notions which, to me, stand outside of common sense and reason. Yet these are notions which I highly doubt they would come to of their own volition.
My 8 year old can figure out that if you walk into a room full of armed men, it is probably a bad idea to try to rob it; or that it is wrong to steal from one person and give it to another person: or that God is either in control or he's not in control:
Ok, not all of my viewpoints an 8 year old can understand, but many of the most hotly debated ones I'm sure he can figure out.
Is there a point to this blather. No, just me being frustrated at those who walk through life with blinders on repeating the nonsensical propaganda that someone has been feeding them all of their life, not really seeing, sensing and learning for themselves, but clinging desperately to their views, taught them by some inspired leader, in spite of all rhyme or reason.
We live in a world which has forgetten the most basic of questions; WHY? Why do you believe it is right to take money from A and give it to B? Why do you believe gov't has a right to my money? Why do you believe the world is round? Why do you believe you have a free will which supercedes the will of God? Why don't you believe in God? Why do you believe in killing babies? Why do you believe that America should be the world Police building other nations in our "perfect image"? Why are your marriage vows so easily discarded?
What about me you say? Fair enough. Why do I believe in God? Why do I value the life of a child who is still in his mothers womb? Why do I believe the world is round? Why do I believe America should return to the Founding Fathers belief of "Alliance with none, commerce with all"? Why do I fear what public schools are doing to our youth?
I have answers to all off my why's, answer formed through life and studious observation, not through brainwashing by media, religion, school, gov't propaganda, or whatever draws people to irrational conclusions.
Ok, vent is over, I feel better. Now dear reader, don't forget to ask yourself Why? Why you believe whatever it is you believe.
You baffle me, Sean. I agree with every idea you listed in the beginning of this entry, with the exception that God controls everything...except man's free agency. And He controls the consequences of that. So if you were debating with a "Mormon", it must've been what we used to call a "Jack-Mormon"...one who wears the name...period.
Mom, I didn't describe my debate with the Mormon. In fact I didn't talk much about religion at all. I talked about the difficulties of arguing with those who live in a box.
I debate Mormons from time to time. They either end up frustrated with me or angry with me.
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