Here are two articles about America the "FREE", courtesy of my good friend BS.
One of them should make you laugh. Both of them should scare you. They scare me.
Thank Goodness I Live in a Free Country
Makes me wonder how "FREE" this country will be for my Children and Grandchildren.
I have come to believe that most Americans are afraid of their neighbors being free. They would love to be free themselves, but nobody else can be trusted. While their socialistic leanings are always revealing themselves, it is their hatred of freedom that unnerves me.
For instance, they cannot live with the idea that a simple ordinary mother can educate her own children. They actually believe its their business.
They cannot fathom a world were parents actually pay for their own childrens' schooling. So they are content to deprive people of their money and freedom to foot the bill for public school.
The average American cannot believe that food raised in someone's backyard without government regulation could possibly be they put their faith in the FDA. The more I learn about the FDA the more humorous that becomes.
They think that freedom is nothing more than anarchy and actually believe that the president controls the economy. Truth be told, if the President actually controlled the economy he should be shot immediately. That means that he is thwarting or controlling billions of independent free choices; the ultimate tyrant.
Of course the concern for the poor is the greatest tool of the fearful socialists. I find that this concern for the poor is more a manifestation of self-deification, rather than true compassion. I asked a liberal friend of mind, who is actually, if she thought that she is obligated to pay her next door neighbor's bills. She said no. I ask, "What if he loses his job and his kids are getting really skinny?" She said she would help. I ask whether it would be okay if I brought a gun and made her hand over say...40% of her check to him. She said that would be totally wrong. Then I asked her why she supported and voted for those who support government doing the same thing to me? She said that it was necessary and that people would starve and never get educated. I simply reminded her that she said it was wrong to do so, to which she agreed and simply said that she was unwilling to change her view about government. I also asked her how much time and money she spent at church soup kitchens, the rescue mission and helping the poor educate their children. She, like myself, was in law school at the time and said she may get to it someday.
I wonder if the irony will ever set in: she is willing to do what she admits is wrong in order to accomplish the good she is unwilling to do herself.
welcome to America.... The land of the brainwashed... loved your comments BTW
"I wonder if the irony will ever set in: she is willing to do what she admits is wrong in order to accomplish the good she is unwilling to do herself."
It's redistribution of responsibility so that less is on her shoulders, and at the same time, forcing others to share in that burden. To her, this is justice. To her, rules for the individual does not apply to the government because of the pragmatic "good" it does in spreading the responsibility. She has no objective view of right or wrong. Even if she does, she fails to be consistent because of "the greater good."
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