Tuesday, December 02, 2008

The Official Word

Breaking News today. Are you listening? This is just startling news. Are you sitting? You're not gonna believe this. Maybe you should take a drink before I go on........

OK... here I go
We are now..............

Can you believe it? Not only are we in a recession, but apparently we have been in this recession for the last year. I'm just in shock.

Because the plunging Real Estate market, the plunging Stock Market, and the rising unemployment hadn't already tipped me off. Record Foreclosures, Record Gold prices, and the fuel price roller coaster that is now plunging all failed to catch my attention.

Apparently we've all been living in a plastic bubble and we needed the US Govt to enlighten us that WE ARE IN A RECESSION. How much do you think the study to show us we are in a Recession cost us?

On a brighter note, as my good friend BS stated, "1.5 years to acknowledge what we already know was really speedy for a Govt Bureaucracy".

So to all of you whose bubble I just burst, tighten up those purse strings and hang on tight cuz the Dem's are taking over soon and then they will solve our financial crisis and we all can return to our debt filled bliss and our shiny bubbles of oblivion.


Matthew Glenn said...

It's hilarious it took so long for the economists and Bush Administration to finally admit this. They're stupid.

SOB said...

From your comment and name and reading of your blog I assume you think a Liberal Majority would have told all and done a better job of handling our economy

Truth be told, it doesn't matter the party line, politicians play the political game. And the political game is big gov't and power.

Neither the Dems nor the Republicans are going to tow the "Limited Gov't" "Free Market" line.

I agree with you when you say "They're Stupid" if you are talking about our Gov't leaders as a whole. I can't let either party hold that title alone.

Playskull said...

The recession is the tip of the financial iceberg. The inflation that is coming down the pipeline because of the Fed monetizing the debt is going to be worse than this downturn. Isn't that sad? When the recession finally recovers, we're screwed even more!

But that is still a year or two away. The Dems will most certainly make things worse. For one, they won't be stopping the wars. Two, universal healthcare, nuff said. Three, bailouts and stimulus packages will be in order since they don't have any notion of economic knowledge except for spend, spend, spend. Since all of this can not be paid off with taxes, they'll need the Fed to monetize all that debt! That's a helluva lot of money to get rolling off of those printing presses!

So when the time comes and the recovery begins, inflation is going to knock America on it's collective butt. And the Boobus Americanus is going to elect, out of ignorance, another Repubicman or Demonbrat to try and save it. And so the cycle goes.