Wednesday, April 01, 2009

37 Years

Today we had a retirement party for a gentlemen whose been with my company for 37 years. I wasn't even thought of 37 years ago. What did he do for all those years? He worked the floor and drove forklifts. Day in and day out for 37 years. And in his last year here, the only year I knew him, he was always smiling, always courteous and always safe. Everyday.

Where are the people like him today? Where is the young kid willing to work himself day in and day out, content that he brings home a paycheck for his family? Where is the young man who knows how to be wealthy at any wage? Where is the young man with the commitment to press on for 37 years?

I don't think I know anyone in my generation like that. My record at one job is 6 years, and that is only because I was under a contract that would land me in Ft Leavenworth had i violated it.

Where have all the good men gone?

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