Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The next Great Depression

Who remembers the Great Depression? Neither do I. But everyone else does and they seem to believe that 12 years of gov't spending and gov't programs is what got us out of the Great Depression. And that seems to be our gov'ts plan today. Spend spend spend spend spend. Somebody, anybody, please explain to me how spending hundreds of billions of dollars we don't have is going to help us get out of debt. Somebody convinced Obama and all of the Democrats and many of the Republicans. Somebody convince me.

I'm tired of hearing that the Free Market failed. Really it did? When? When in any of your lives has there been a Free Market?

There can be no Free Market as long as there is gov't intervention and regulation. Gov't intervention has been growing since the Civil War. FDR accelerared the process and it's been getting worse ever since. Read 1984 written in the late 40's (I think). There are many that saw it coming, but we are the frog in the hot water that can't see that it will soon be boiling us alive.

A wise man once said, "There is nothing new under the sun". History always repeats itself and those who don't study history are doomed to repeat history. Why we got here is easy to explain. Where we are going is easy to see. How we survive the ride in tact is the question? Well, I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

In the beginning.......... well, isn't that where we are now?

When I started wrting this I thought I was gonna ramble on for hours... but alas, I just don't feel like it. Off to watch LOST.

1 comment:

Uneva said...

It's a shame...instead of carefully studying our nation's history, too many of us are choosing to re-write it.