Saturday, September 05, 2009

Public School from the eyes of a schoolteacher

I have often been criticized for homeschooling my children. They need "socialization". They need "trained" teachers. They need.. well whatever it is they "need" apparently my wife and I as parents, one a college graduate, one trained in Nuclear Power, seem not capable or qualified to give our kids.

I guess that begs the question, what makes one qualified to teach children? Below is a book written by a schoolteacher. I wouldn't ask you to read the whole thing, but read the Prologue. You might find it interesting to see what someone who spent 50+ years in the public school system has to say.

I seriously doubt I will ever regret my decision to home school. The only thing I lose is the benefit of a two income family. What my children and my wife gain is worth far more than money.

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