The Duggard's have just brought into this world a 19th child. This phenomenon has inspired news, reality shows, and gawking. Many are amazed, some are horrified. "It's not right to bring that many children under one roof" "it irresponsible" "how can they afford it".
In a world where condoms, chemical suppression and sometimes murder of unborn, and medical doctors deliberately killing of the unborn, I guess surprise at a family who adheres to God's command of "be fruitful and multiply" should be expected. It has become 'wrong' to have a big family.
Now I am a father of three. I tell you, they are a handful. Discipline and order are seemingly unattainable states in my house. I can't fathom trying to maintain the order with 6 times as many. Yet I myself came from a family of 7 kids. We had our issues, but the food was still cooked, the house was still cleaned and we all had beds to sleep in.
My grandfather was one of seventeen. No one was knocking at his parents door in amazement. This was "normal". Families had children. Sometimes the children died. Sometimes the mother died. Sometimes hardships were faced. Not enough food, large families under one small roof, ect. Hardships that today would be considered "abuse" brought families together. Struggles brought self-reliance and family reliance. Life happened and no one was amazed.
God says Children are a Blessing. That blessing doesn't stop at one or two, but continues on even if you have 21 or 22. God gives praise to a family "whose quiver is full". I've read God's Word numerous times in my life. Never have I seen anywhere God saying "you shouldn't have any more children". In fact quite the opposite. Numerous stories of women bearing children in "old age".
Children are a blessing no matter the age of the parent. Many children bring many blessings. Yes, there is hardship, yes raising children is a difficult task, yes it requires large sacrifice on the part of the parents. I will admit to days I'd like to throw the whole lot of my kids out the window. But God's plan is perfect. The blessing I will receive throughout my life because my children far out weigh the immediate concerns of hardship and frustration.
Thank God, He has blessed me with a family. May I do well for the quiver of Children He has given me. And never look upon those who choose to obey God's command as "strange" or "irresponsible", but blessed by God. For every child is a gift from God to you the parent.
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