Monday, December 14, 2009

Merry Christmas...... and stuff...

Christmas is almost here. But I seem to be missing that "Holiday Spirit". We decided to refrain from buying anyone but the kids gifts. We have no room for a tree, so we bought a Rosemary bush (thanks to the Seniors for that idea). I like it, but everyone else thinks it's too small.

But beyond that, I haven't got into the Christmas music. We've no place to hang stockings this year. I haven't gone shopping for anything yet. I haven't even gone out to look at lights yet.

Why? I think I'm a bit put off by the commercialization of it all. Denny's had up "Merry Christmas" signs in mid November. You here all about Santa Clause and Frosty and Rudolph and Charlie Brown's Christmas (though they do read the Christmas Story). Trees and decorations galore.

Or I get funny looks when I tell people I don't lie to my kids about Santa Clause. I guess I'm just tired of everyone celebrating "Christmas" but not Christ.

There is a reason for Christmas. We get so wrapped up in Christmas that we forget about Christ. We forget to celebrate God. We forget this is about the birth of the Savior of the world. That little fact has become an afterthought. "Oh yeah, and that Christ fellow. What did he do again?"

Well Merry Christmas to you all. May the Grace of our Lord Jesus be with you. Now and always may he keep you blameless till he comes again.

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