Tuesday, February 07, 2012

God Providence... who would have thought I'd be happy to be stuck in LA for a while longer

Tonight I feel like writing and since I don’t know what I plan to write about, I’ll just wing it.

Life has been busy. My oldest turned 12 and is developing all the bad habits of a pre-teen. My middle child just turned 5 and my little lady will be 4 soon. Winy, overly sensitive and openly rebellious: Gotta love my brood.

For the last 2 years I’ve been actively seeking to “Escape From LA”. Every seemingly good door has been soundly closed. The path out seemed so clear when I started. But it wasn’t to be.

But God has used me for much in that time. I’ve been able to help friends and family in much need of various kinds of support. Everything from planning a funeral to marital counseling; How I fell into these rolls, I can’t say, but God knew I would be needed and ensured I would be here to help. He then placed me in positions I couldn’t have expected to be needed in.

A few more amazing paths God has placed in front of me.

I’ve been given every opportunity one could want from his job. For the next 2-3 years I will be heading up a major restructuring. The real world training this will give me you can’t get from any college. I have the backing and support of not only my Manager, our Plant Manager, and various corporate managers. I am being guided and mentored by some of the brightest and most experienced minds in my corporation.

Of course this means I’m stuck in LA for a few more years. But the opportunities and blessings that are literally falling into my lap are immeasurable.

This year the burden of debt will be lifted as we finally pay off the last of our debt. For the first time in our marriage we will be financially stable with a rapidly growing savings account and not debt looming over our heads. Total financial freedom.

My former Scout master is back in my life and leading me and my wife through basic survival training. At the same time we are leaning towards enrolling our oldest in the Scouts under the tutelage of the same Scout master.

My wife is developing good Godly friendships with the locals. And I continue to be drawn in to various responsibilities in church and among friends.

In short it seems that God wants me right here for a while. Wish I knew why, but I guess I just have to trust that God’s plan is perfect.

I’ll get out of LA eventually, but apparently not yet. At least the weather is nice here.

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