Went shopping today. In front of the store was a black and white just parked in the red zone like he owned the joint. So me being me I decided to look inside and see what cop cars look like these days.
High tech. Camera on the front and rear dash. Two more cameras on top pointing left and right. No shotgun as the cars of old days. No a more lethal weapon in the middle of the car: a computer. The pile of junk in the passenger seat told me he drove solo and was a slob.
After my curiosity was satisfied I proceeded on my way to go shopping. Shortly thereafter the owner of the car approached me. "I've got a witness that you tried to break into my car".
Me: No, I was looking at your car which was paid for with my tax dollars.
Cop: Did you try to open the door?
Me: Why would I try to open the door?
Cop: Did you?
Me: NO!
Cop: So if I fingerprint the door handle your prints won't be on them?
Me: No, and since when is it a crime to look at a car?
Cop: it isn't but tampering with a police vehicle is..
Me: Well than it's a good thing I was only looking than...
Cop: Would you have entered the car if the door was open?
Me: No, it's not my car, and since the door was closed the question is irrelevant
He continued to insist I had tried to break into his car. "So are you calling my witness a liar"
Me: I can't speak for your witness, I've told you what I did. It's up to you to decide who's lying.
He asked me such brilliant questions as
"What are you doing here?"
Me: Uh, I thought the shopping car full of groceries kind of gave me away, but since you asked, I'M SHOPPING!
In retrospect I'm lucky he didn't arrest me just for the hell of it. I was certainly spinning him up. I think he was hoping to arrest the Son of a Bitch who dared to touch his car. Or maybe he was just hoping to intimidate me. It certainly pissed him off that I dared stand toe to toe with him and make fun of his silly questions.
He kept up this agressively rude tone that no normal human talks in. I think he thought it made him sound menacing.
Alas he finally walked away clearly perterbed at me. I'm sure he's at home talking about the smug SOB in the supermarket.
Just another fine example of our tax dollars at work!
First of all, next time ask if you are being detained/arrested, if no, walk away.
Second, if you are say "I will remain silent and I want an attorney".
It is a sad state that absolutely anything can be turned against you, which is why you say nothing, especially if you have done nothing!!!!!
Watch these:
I saw this video after I had my little "talk" with said officer
Thanks though. It's great advice.
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